WWE RAW Results (9/19) – Who Gets Fired By HHH?, WWE Title Match Set For HIAC

Kelly Kelly & Eve vs Natalya & Beth Phoenix

Beth knees Kelly in the stomach and pulls her by the hair, then whips her into the corner but Kelly gets a boot up and hurricanranas her into the turnbuckle. Eve tags in but Beth overpowers her and tags in Natalya, and she slaps her in the face then runs her into the corner. Eve knocks Beth off the apron and kicks Natalya in the face, and gets the quick roll up for the win.

Winners – Kelly Kelly & Eve

Hugh Jackman is talking to Zack Ryder about not being on RAW very much and says none of the Divas like him or want to be around him. He then brings up Ryder making up the Internet Championship and awarding it to himself. Ryder says you know it, and Hugh says he is not an underdog, he is delusional and he is perfect. He says lets go and they head to the ring for the match.

Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Zack Ryder (w/ Hugh Jackman)

Ryder punches Dolph in the jaw and tries for a quick roll up but only gets two. Ryder punches Dolph in the corner then gets a running start and kicks him in the face for a another near fall. Dolph comes back with some kicks and a neckbreaker, but he gets distracted with Hugh at ringside and almost gets rolled up again. Dolph knocks Ryder down and puts him in an armbar, then kicks him when he tries escaping and throws him in the corner. He gets a running start but Ryder gets a boot up, then they run at each other and double clothesline each other. The ref starts the count and Vickie slaps Ryder as he tries using the ropes to get up, and the ref throws her out of ringside. Hugh sneaks up behind the ref and nails Dolph with a punch, then Ryder hits the Rough Ryder for the win.

Winner – Zack Ryder


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