*Spoilers* Complete 9/16 Smackdown Taping Results

Up Next: Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan

We have a split-screen shot from backstage showing both Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan heading to the ring. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan is up next on Smackdown, after this short commercial break!

Did You Know?

The “Did You Know?” for this week on Smackdown: “Did you know….last Friday, Smackdown was the #1 show on SyFy for the 50th straight week.” The fact is further pushed by the announcers as Sin Cara’s music hits and we return live in the arena. A video recap shows Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara’s segment from last week’s Smackdown, as Sin Cara finally makes it to the ring. Daniel Bryan’s music hits and out he comes, Money In The Bank briefcase-in-hand and all.

Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan

The Sin Cara light is turned on as the match begins. Daniel Bryan is a ball of fire, and laying down a one-sided beating on Sin Cara early on. Sin Cara finally avoids a big Bryan high-flying move to slow things down. Sin Cara hits Bryan with a hard kick to the head. Sin Cara continues his attack on Bryan, changing the momentum in the match. Sin Cara continues throwing hard kicks at Bryan, before throwing him over the top-rope. Bryan crashes to the ground outside the ring hard. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial. We return from commercial and see Sin Cara using a leg submission on Bryan. Bryan fights his way out of the submission, but Sin Cara remains in control of the offense, throwing more and more kicks, specifically targeting Bryan’s legs with the kicks now. Sin Cara hits a flying headbutt, after launching himself off the ropes in a single bounce! Sin Cara attempts a moonsault off the middle rope, but Bryan catches him coming in with the double-boots. Both guys are up now and Bryan is punching away. Bryan has Sin Cara down, and is now throwing several stiff kicks of his own. Sin Cara is battling back and now has Bryan hanging upside down in the corner, nailing him with kicks repeatedly. The ref tells him to stop, but Sin Cara refuses. Sin Cara is disqualified.

Winner via DQ: Daniel Bryan

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