WWE RAW Results (8/8) – Summerslam Nears, Punk/Cena Contract Signing

HHH introduces both participants in the title match and both Punk and Cena join him and John Laurinitis in the ring. HHH says let's but to the chase but Punk tells him the match is official so this signing must all be for show. He says this never ends well so they can just flip the table and beat each other up, but Punk says he feels like he is in a movie right now. He feels like he is pitching a movie, and he got a clip with an actual movie star to show everyone. HHH mocks him and Punk mocks him and 'The Chaperone', then says take it away, Dwayne.

We get a clip of the Rock saying John Cena is mad because he is in arenas every night wearing his tough guy clothes and he says his music sucks. Rock says when his music stops, Cena hears the dueling chants, and he will hear it forever. Rock says Cena even gets booed in his hometown and Rock represents men who think Cena sucks. Punk says there is alot right with that clip, but Dwayne is a hypocrite too, and maybe Punk should stop making fun of them and sign the contract. Cena tells him it caught him off guard but he likes it, and he puts over the Rock, but says after all the success he shouldn't be mad about anything.

Cena says Rock doesn't like the way he dresses, but Punk also has issues with Cena being cookie cutter and PG friendly. Cena says here is the truth: the Rock has the millions and Cena will never win them over, but Punk has his fans that think Cena sucks and he should be heel. He was originally offended by the Yankees comment, but they are the most loved and hated franchise in sports, and he can be proud of it now. He doesn't care about pleasing Punk's fans, because he does it for the WWE Universe.

He calls Punk a hypocrite for wanting all of the perks but coming back and trying to be the underground 'Voice of the Voiceless.' HHH says not to add fuel to the fire, but Cena is telling the truth and Punk basically held out for more money and some extras. Punk asks who fires people around here, and asks if John Laurinitis personally went and fired the recently released Superstars, and Punk says he is not the one who is gutless. Punk says this is about Cena and the WWE Championship, and it's easy for Cena because he looks down on Punk and everyone else. Punk brings up his ECW title win and says Cena didn't pay attention to him before that, then says Cena told him him almost gave up on him. Punk says he holds grudges and he has had a sour taste in his mouth ever since.

He makes fun of Cena for becoming a sports entertainer but says he fought to become a professional wrestler and he had to claw for everything he has. He says Cena will walk into Summerslam as champion, but he will leave with nothing, because he is the champion, then signs the contract. Cena says all the pressure is on him, because he only won one match, and he asks Punk what might happen if he actually loses this match? Cena calls him a loudmouthed one hit wonder, and says if he doesn't produce, it will all be gone like that. Cena says good luck, but Punk says luck is for losers and he would rather be a one hit wonder than a loser. Cena says they have been talking for too long, and Punk says it's what he does but he will kick Cena's teeth down his throat and they face off. Laurinitis tries seperating them and Punk kicks at Cena but hits Laurinitis in the head, then Cena goes after Punk and shoves HHH into him. HHH gets in his face and backs him off as Punk screams about a conspiracy between Cena and HHH as RAW goes off the air.  



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