WWE RAW Results (7/18) – New Champion?

WWE Championship Tournament Match – Semifinals
R-Truth vs Rey Mysterio

Truth keeps Rey grounded they lays with out with a hard lariat and puts him in a front face lock in the middle of the ring. Rey gets up and headbutts him but Truth catches him with a knee and goes back to the ground with a legscissors. Rey gets out with quick elbows and Truth whips him off the ropes but Rey reverses it and armdrags him through the ropes to the floor. Rey runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive on the floor and both guys are down as we go to a commercial. When we return, Truth is punching away at Rey in the ring, then tries to bodyslam him but Rey counters and gets a two count. Truth goes back to punching Rey in the head then connects with a spinning elbow off the ropes for two.

Truth taunts the fans and goes back to Rey near the ropes, and gets kicked in the stomach and dropped on the ropes for a 619. Truth spins around and clotheslines him, then puts Rey back in a front facelock and drops him with a release suplex. Rey kicks out of another near fall and Truth is growing more agitated, then runs and misses Rey in the corner, and gets caught by Rey with a springboard crossbody. Rey rolls through a pin attempt and dropkicks Truth in the head and gets another two count, and Truth gets up and hits Truth or Consequences but Rey is able to kick out. Truth pulls him away from the ropes and kicks him, then gets distracted by the fans and gets dropped on the top rope. Rey leaps over the rope and hurricanranas Truth into position for a 619, and hits it and follows it with a top rope splash for the win.

Winner – Rey Mysterio

Vince McMahon comes out and says he won’t deny Rey or Miz the opportunity at the WWE Championship, but they are running out of time and he has something he needs to do. He says he wants to postpone the final match until next week, and Rey and the fans hate it. Vince asks him to be a good sport and no one is bigger than the WWE. Vince says he can make another John Cena, and thanks him for all his contributions, but says he needs to make an example in business. This is not about his ego, and he is making the right decisions for the people and they might not see it right away, but in time they will thank him.  (Continued…)


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