WWE Cancels Book Release, New Chyna Photos, WMXXV Note

Credit: PWInsider.com

WWE has cancelled the scheduled release of an autobiography focusing on Hall Of Famer Iron Sheik. The book was set to be written by Keith Elliot Greenberg, who also did the Fred Blassie and "Superstar" Billy Graham books. Sources indicate that the reason for the cancellation was because the company didn’t like the initial treatment that was submitted.

The cover of the April 2009 edition of WWE Magazine is a WrestleMania-themed issue with a collection of the stars who will be featured on this year’s card.

Joanie "Chyna" Laurer will be featured on the cover of the upcoming Summer-edition of the "Vanity Fair" magazine. The article will contain photos of Chyna and an article on her new book "Paper Doll".