Small Evidence Hardy Might Stay, Helms/Sky Rumor Update

Dave Willacy sent along the following: Make of this what you will, but just to throw more gas on the Jeff Hardy will he/wont he leave scenario, on the TV ads for the the Smackdown/ECW "Undertaker’s R.I.P Tour" which is scheduled to be here in the UK later this year, (as of today) Jeff is still being advertised as appearing.

Jay sent along the following: So I’m feeling real bad about the last post I made.  Sending that Gregory "Hurricane" Helms slash Velvet Sky slash Tara story wasn’t very cool on my part. And I’m all about the cool.  I was praying that Angle’s arrest would of topped my story and people would forget everything I wrote, but I was wrong! Lesson number one on being a journalist, you have to know what’s right from wrong, even when sometimes the wrong things may seem so right at the time.  Anyway, without further interuptions, I am very truly deeply sorry for the "Lame" story I wrote and would like to put this all behind now.  Please will the three of you wrestlers forgive me?


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