ECW On SyFy Results – February 2, 2010

Match Number Two: Yoshi Tatsu with Goldust versus Trent Barreta with Caylen Croft

Yoshi jumps around before they lock up and Yoshi works on the arm and puts Trent in an arm bar. Yoshi with a drop kick to Barreta followed by an arm drag into an arm bar. Yoshi is thrown out of the ring but he comes back in and he kicks Yoshi. Trent with a forearm followed by a kick to the head and a slap to the face. Trent with a knee to the head and then he hits a European uppercut and chokes Yoshi in the corner. Trent with a standing drop kick. Trent with a reverse chin lock on Yoshi. Yoshi gets to his feet and backs Trent into the turnbuckles. Trent with a boot to Yoshi but Yoshi with a back body drop. Yoshi with kicks to the midsection followed by the flying double knees. Yoshi tries for the rolling mare but Trent blocks it. Yoshi eventually hits it and kicks Trent in the chest. Yoshi goes up top but Trent stops him and tries for a superplex. Yoshi pushes Trent off but Trent with a rana and a near fall. Trent argues with the referee about the count and then he turns around into the round house kick and gets the three count.
Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for Vince McMahon to give his State of ECW Address.

He says that in 3 weeks, ECW will be going off the air. He thanks everyone behind the scenes and the superstars for making ECW the success it was. He says that there will be a new program once ECW goes off the air. Vince says that it is the next Evolution of the WWE. Vince thanks everyone.

Gregory Helms is in the ring and he brings out Ezekiel Jackson who is accompanied by William Regal.

Helms asks Zeke if he is disappointed about his loss on Sunday and he wants to know how Zeke will move on. Regal asks Helms if it has been a trying week for him. Helms says that he will get past it and he is going to do his job. Regal tells Helms that his week is going to get worse. Jackson punches Helms and then Regal joins in. Jackson with a uranage to Helms and then he holds Helms for a running knee to the head by Regal.

Christian comes to the ring with a kendo stick and he hits Jackson with it. Jackson and Regal leave the ring.

We go to commercial.

Concluded on page four …


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