WWE Raw Results – February 8th, 2010

We’re back with Josh Matthews and Carl Edwards who has a major announcement.  Regarding next week’s singles matches with the Elimination Chamber participants, it’s going to be Sheamus vs Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase vs Kofi Kingston, and Triple H vs John Cena.  Springer will apparently name the other three matches. 

John Cena vs Ted DiBiase

John Cena comes in and immediately clotheslines Ted DiBiase kicking the match off strong.  He then throws him over the top rope before finally taking off his hat and shirt.  He goes out after DiBiase and applies the STF.  DiBiase taps, but Cena keeps it locked in with a demonic look on his face.  The ref is out there screaming at him to break the hold and he finally does.  He gets in the ring with a mic.


Cena says that he didn’t come here to have a match.  He’s not wasting any more time.  He says that he doesn’t care why Batista did what he did last week, he just wants to fight him.  He calls Batista out to try and finish the job. He says he’s not going anywhere until he gets out there.


John Cena is still in the ring with no Batista when we return.  He says that Batista’s not coming out means he’s either scared for his life…which he should be…or his attack last week must have been a business decision.  When he thinks business, he thinks Vince McMahon.  Cena says that he has a feeling Vince is behind all of this and if he’s not going to fight Batista, he’d like to talk to Vince.  McMahon’s music hits and he comes out with security guards.  He stops by the ring and asks Cena what he wants. 


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