WWE Raw Results – February 8th, 2010

Jared from Subway and Carl Edwards are in the back before Santino Marella interupts.  He sings the $5 footlong song (a tad bit wrong).  Jared gives him a Subway card for free food and then in all seriousness, Edwards sets up a match between Jack Swagger and Santino.  Santino likes it.  Kofi Kingston then comes in and wants the night off, but doesn’t want to get too rusty before the Elimination Chamber match, so he proposes to Carl each of the six men in the match having random singles matches next week on Raw.  Instead of setting up those matches tonight, he’s going to let next week’s guest host, Jerry Springer, set them up.

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

The bell sounds and the come nose to nose mouthing at each other before Randy shoves Rhodes.  Orton shoves him again.  Orton then sticks his finger in Rhodes’ face and Rhodes slaps it.  They slug a little before Rhodes hits a dropkick.  Orton lands a couple of right hands, but then Rhodes hits a side Russian Leg Sweep.  He tries a suplex, but Orton counters and lands Rhodes stomach first on the top rope.  Orton sets Cody up on the top rope for a superplex but Rhodes kicks him off.  He misses a crossbody and Randy sets up for the RKO.  Sheamus comes in just enough to distract Orton allowing Rhodes to hit the Cross Roads and get the cover.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes

After The Match:  Sheamus slides in and delivers a big boot to Randy Orton’s head.  He then starts to pick Orton up, but Cody Rhodes comes in with a chair to back him out of the ring. 

We cut to another replay package of the Cena/Batista incident last week after Raw went off the air.

We then see John Cena in the back walking toward the ring.  He faces Ted DiBiase, Jr. next.



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