Scott Hall Speaks On His TNA Status, TNA vs. WWE, More

A caller asks if Scott Hall is interested in writing a book. Hall says that he is “waiting for a good ending”. Hall says that his younger brother keeps on asking him about that. Hall would need someone to sit down with him and help him put everything in order. Hall wouldn’t mind writing a book at some point.

Another caller asks Scott Hall about a wrestling cruise. Hall says that he agreed to do it if it actually happened because it was for charity.

At this moment, the crew loses Scott Hall for a moment. It takes a few minutes, but Scott Hall DOES return.

A caller named Maggie talks to Scott Hall about a new website for Scott Hall. Hall says he wants to reach out to the fans but can’t sit around typing or doing any sort of blog. Hall puts down the dolls that he got in WCW as people had said that the doll “sucked”. Hall believes that McMahon changed the industry by making it more of a marketable based industry. Hall never collected dolls personally as he never had time to do that kind of thing.

Scott Hall tells a story of going to Bret Hart’s house and says that his house is basically a shrine of the Hitman. It is a rather funny story, and has to be heard. Hall really liked Bret Hart but they are just not the same person.

Jack mentions Sid Vicious and Scott Hall says that he loves Sid and his family. Hall believes that Sid is the “hottest free agent today”. Hall also says that Sid is a “attraction and star”. Jack says that he saw Sid wrestle last year and that he was in great shape.

Jack asks about Genesis and why he didn’t compete. Hall says that he pulled his groin and that he didn’t want to “half ass my return”. Hall also says that Bischoff and Russo have got some cool things lined up. Hall admits that TNA sucked previously and didn’t want anything to do with them, but they have “turned the corner.” Hall is also not afraid to rattle McMahon’s cage once again.

Hall talks about being in the same state as the WWE during a Monday night war. Hall tells the story about the HHH showing up in a tank. Hall thought it was cool that the WWE did the New Razor Ramon gimmick. Barbie asked if Hall wanted to meet DX, but they were discouraged to do so by the legal team. From WCW.

Hall talks about how Turner higher ups prevented WCW from keeping up with WWE when they went on a more risqué type of television. Hall’s phone cuts off, again so Jack attempts to get Hall back on the phone.

The interview ends on that note, but the interview goes over approx one hour.

Be sure to watch Scott Hall this Thursday on Spike TV at 9pm ET. Hall will also be on TNA’s next pay per view Against All Odds this Sunday starting at 8pm ET.

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