WWE RAW Results – March 15th, 2010

As we come back Randy has a sleeper hold on HHH. HHH is trying to fight out and this leads to Orton hitting his special backbreaker! Orton is now pounding his fists to set up RKO, but it his countered with a fist and both ben go to the ground. As they make their way to their feet the fighting continues as the begin trading blows. An Irish Whip by Triple H leads to a missed clothesline followed by a knee to the face by HHH! Randy then hits HHH with a scoop slam and a 2 count. Randy now is reversed into the corner, and follows it up with an elbow. HHH immediately lands a spine buster to counter. This is followed by a two count. The two get up and Randy throws a wild right which is countered by a knee to the stomach and a Pedigree…which is countered by a flip over the top. Ultimately Randy gets tossed outside and as he is coming back in HHH pulls him in and hits the Pedigree!!! 

In comes Legacy! They attack HHH first to get him out of the ring and then go after Randy. They are screaming at him as the punishment continues. Eventually HHH gets back up and starts trying to help Orton. Sheamus comes running in from the crowd and lands his jumping kick to the face!!!! Legacy continues to attack Orton outside of the ring as Sheamus is yelling at HHH inside. CrossRhodes is landed on Orton outside of the ring! Sheamus music kicks as both Orton and HHH lie on floor.

Winner: Randy Orton (By DQ)

Backstage showing Batista coming out to the ring