WWE Raw Results – April 12th, 2010

 Recap of HHH Sheamus last week

Sheamus’ music hits!!!

Sheamus grabs a mic. He says last week HHH said he made a mistake, but he disagrees. Because he made HHH show his hand. He says The game only brings out his sledgehammer when he’s scared. He says HHH is afraid of Sheamus. He says that he just received official word, that they will be fighting at Extreme Rules in a Street Fight! He then goes on to insult London, calling it a falling empire. He says of Triple H shows up at Extreme Rules, it will be him that is making the mistake. And it will be a mistake that he will regret for the rest of his career! Kofi’s music cuts him off!

Kofi Kingston says you know Sheamus, it’s funny how you stand out here and talk about mistakes. Because you are sadly mistaken if you didn’t think Kofi would retaliate after what happened last week. He said the two would be having a match, right here, tonight!

Kofi Kingston vs Sheamus

Sheamus starts by throwing Kofi into the turnbuckle. Kofi follows this up with a leg kick, but Sheamus quickly throws him into a choke hold. Kofi battles out and throws Sheamus into the ropes, only to be dropped by Sheamus. Kofi gets up and lands two kick strikes followed by a dropkick. Kof and Sheamus battling on either side of the rope momentarily, before Kofi goes uptop and lands a missle dropkick for a two count!

Both men getting up, Sheamus lands a devistating clothesline! Sheamus now taking Kofi outside the ring now, slamming him on the apron. Sheamus brings him back in now and gets a 2 count. Sheamus with an armbar on Kofi now, Kofi battling his way back up. Off the ropes now but gets caught into a vicious slam, and another 2 count! Sheamus dragging Kofi to the apron and throws a couple of stirkes. Sheamus now attempting a suplex over the ropes, but Kofi counters out and is throwing a ton of leg kicks! A few blows to the face now, dropkick! off the ropes now with a flying fist which sets up the BoomDrop! Sheamus gets up, and Kofi throws him into the corner and starts a Ten Punch. Stops after 5, and lands the TroubleInParadise. 1…2…Sheamus gets his foot up on the rope! Sheamus rolls outside the ring now and grabs a monitor! He strikes Kofi with the monitor and gets disqualified!

Winner: Kofi Kingston (DQ)

After the match, Sheamus picks up Kofi and throws his back into the ringpost! A HHH Chant breaks from the crowd as Sheamus slams Kofi again.