RAW Results – 5/10 – New Raw GM, PPV Matches and Stipulations!

RAW Main Event Handicap Match

Randy Orton vs Edge & ???

Edge waits at the top of the stage while Justin Roberts announces the mystery partner who turns out to be… Ted DiBiase! The bell rings and DiBiase starts against Orton. Orton kicks away at him until Edge blind tags in to the match. Edge stomps on Orton and double teams him with DiBiase. DiBiase and Edge work together and use quick tags to keep Orton grounded in their corner. DiBiase hits a clothesline off the ropes for a two count and then locks in a rear choke on Orton.

Orton fights out and takes out Edge on the apron, and sends Edge crashing into the announcing table. Orton starts pounding the mat and is looking for the RKO, but DiBiase counters, only to be sent outside to the ground. He tries getting back into the ring but is distracted by R-Truth, who runs down to ringside. DiBiase turns right around into an RKO for the win.

Winner – Randy Orton

After the match, Orton locks his eyes on Vickie Guerrero and stalks her from the ring. She begs him not to do it and screams for Edge, but he doesn’t answer because he’s not out. Orton gets closer and Vickie hints at firing him but then becomes histerical and pleads with him to stop. Edge finally gets up but Orton hits an RKO as Vickie screams she resigns and runs away from ringside. Orton looks at Edge on the floor and looks happy with the damage he has caused as RAW goes off the air.


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