WWE House Show Results (7/30): Tallahassee, Florida

Eventually Morrison was able to break away to his corner.  Jericho subtly turned away from the corner so that Cena was the only person eligible to be tagged.  Cena comes in… you know the deal.  Flying shoulderblocks, sit-out suplex, You Can’t See Me! – the whole works.  Jericho snuck in behind Cena just like he did on Raw, only this time Cena saw the Codebreaker coming and shoved him away.  Cena clotheslined Jericho over the top rope, then knocked out Sheffield while Morrison and Otunga brawled on the outside.  He locked Barrett into the STF, and just when it looked like the referee was going to call for the bell, the remaining members of Nexus came sprinting to the ring.  They were in control for a few moments, then the faces from tonight’s earlier matches (led by Evan Bourne) all sprinted to the ring to even the score.

Most of Nexus escaped, but the Raw Superstars managed to trap Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater.  Yoshi and Khali took turns chopping the Nexus members’ chests (Khali ripped Slater’s shirt off before leaving a huge red handprint on his chest).  Then Gabriel took an RKO and Slater got an Attitude Adjustment.  Finally, Cena laid Slater’s body on top of Gabriel’s so that the crowd could be sent home on an Air Bourne.

The lights came on, and everyone went home happy.  With the exception of us William Regal fans, of course.  If you have any questions or comments about the show, you can reach me at michael.sullivan23@gmail.com.