WWE RAW Results (11/1) – Surprise Guest, Cena Tested

Sheamus comes out and says he is not going to throw a temper tantrum, because Santino didn’t beat him, he beat himself. He has given Santino a week to enjoy his fluke victory and tells Santino to come out. Santino comes out and says he is a fan of Sheamus, but he can’t face Sheamus tonight because he ate too much Halloween candy, and the doctor said he might throw up on him. He says he found Sheamus a suitable replacement, and introduces Vladimir Kozlov.

Sheamus vs Vladimir Kozlov

Both guys club away at each other then Kozlov kicks Sheamus and throws him to the mat. Sheamus reverses it and hits knees to the back of the head, but Kozlov powers back with headbutts and kicks. Sheamus gets up and hits an axe handle smash, then hits the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

Sheamus catches up with Santino and stalks him up the ramp, and Santino tries to get out of it with candy and money. Sheamus just throws it down, and shoves Santino at the top of the ramp, then picks him up for the Irish Curse. John Morrison runs out and kicks Sheamus in the stomach to break it up, then kicks him in the head to knock him off the stage while Santino thanks him.

R-Truth catches up with Orton in the back and says him and Cena are friends, but he doesn’t like what he heard from him. He thinks Cena already made up his mind and he will look Orton right in the eye while he is counting the pin for Barrett. Orton says he has never seen eye to eye with Cena, so he wants Truth to be his partner so they can show the world that Cena has no friends.  


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