WWE RAW Results – December 6, 2010

Nikki Bella is walking backstage and goes to Daniel Bryan’s locker room. She wants to be his tag partner tonight, but he says he already has one, and Brie is shown behind him. She tells them good luck but looks upset as they head to the ring.

Ted DiBiase & Maryse vs Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella

Before the match starts Nikki Bella comes down to watch the match, and Bryan hiptosses Ted in the ring. Ted recovers and throws him in the air then tags in Maryse, who comes in and takes Brie down with a hair pull facebuster. Brie reverses her with a rollup and Ted breaks it up, but eats a dropkick by Bryan for his troubles. Nikki switches places with Brie and rolls up Maryse when she tries to hit a suplex, and suprises her for the win. Bryan celebrates with the twins while Ted argues with Maryse, and she tells him to talk to the hand and leaves him in the ring.

Winners – Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella

(For the remainder of the results — credit ProWrestling.net)

Footage aired of John Cena taking out various members of The Nexus last week. Punk tried to ask Wade Barrett a question from his hotel, but David Otunga said Barrett was not there at the moment. Otunga said he was not going to reveal any strategy regarding Cena…

There was a knock at the door and a hotel employee brought in some food. Otunga took a bite of his hamburger and said it was cold. He threw the employee out without paying. There was another immediate knock and it was Cena this time. Cena beat the crap out of Otunga and hit Husky Harris with a platter… [C]

David Hart Smith stood in the ring and waited for his opponent, Tyson Kidd. Kidd came out with a very large individual, who looked down at Smith when they were chest to chest…

[Q4] 2. Tyson Kidd defeated David Hart Smith in 2:14. Smith hit a delayed superplex. Impressive. Kidd scored the screwy win with a roll-up and a handful of tights. Afterward, Smith attacked Kidd, but the new guy took him out… 

Backstage, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel complained to Wade Barrett about Cena taking them out. Barrett tried to calm the situation. Otunga showed up out of breath. The champs left to prepare for their match and Barrett told Otunga to take notes on how he gets things accomplished… [C]


3. Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella defeated Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, The Usos, and Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu to win the WWE Tag Team Championships in 11:54. The rules here have two men in at one time and anyone can tag anyone. Were the New Age Outlaws the last team to pin each other to retain?

Punk said he didn’t love or hate Santino. "He’s the WWE’s Jar Jar Binks." Didn’t everyone hate that guy? The Usos worked over Yoshi in their corner. Slater made a blind tag and hit his finisher (badly) on Tatsu for the three count…

Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu were eliminated.

[Q5] Kozlov made a hot tag and took out everyone in the ring and on the turnbuckles. He hit his spinebuster finisher on one of the Usos and pinned him…

The Usos were eliminated.

Tamina stayed behind to be in Santino’s corner. Slater and Gabriel worked over Santino in their corner while tagging in and out consistently… [C]

Santino came back and hit a "thunderous head butt." Thanks Punk! He hit a Stunner for a nearfall. Kozlov and Slater fought to the floor. John Cena appeared at ringside. It distracted Gabriel and Santino hit the Cobra for the win…

Afterward, Tamina gave Santino a kiss and celebrated with the new champions…

King Sheamus was hyped for after the break… [C]

[Q6] NXT was hyped for tomorrow night. "The boys are back" was the tagline. Footage aired of Cena distracting Gabriel and costing The Nexus the tag team championships…

Sheamus made his way to the ring. He had a very Irish crown, robe, and scepter. Sheamus took a seat on a throne in the ring. He said he took out the King of Kings, Triple H. He told a story of an Irish King that died or something. He said he would never fail. He said he would be the greatest high King in history. 


John Morrison’s music hit and he came out to try his hand at comedy. It wasn’t very funny. Sheamus said Morrison was jealous of his accolades and that Sheamus is the better man. Morrison said he beat Sheamus at Survivor Series and Sheamus beat him last week, so it is 1-1. "I am the better man." 

Sheamus laughed and said if Morrison’s athletic ability matched his sense of humor, he would have been the King of the Ring. Sheamus wanted to be known as "Your Highness" and told Morrison to bow to him. Morrison said it would never happen. Sheamus slapped him. 

Morrison got a pissed off look on his face and attacked Sheamus. He hit Sheamus with the scepter and then whipped him into the throne. Sheamus writhed in pain on the floor as Morrison celebrated triumphantly in the corner…

Wade Barrett calling out John Cena was hyped… [C]

LayCool joined the announce booth because they "were invited by Michael Cole." F’ning A…

[Q7] 4. Natalya defeated Melina in a non-title match in 2:17. Punk referred to LayCool as "two beautiful people." Back and forth that was overshadowed by LayCool in the announce booth. Natalya won with a Sharpshooter… 

LayCool attacked Natalya. Melina was shown walking away… 

Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley was hyped… [C]

Footage aired of Michael Cole taking an RKO earlier in the show. Kudos to Cole for taking the move well… 

Miz gave Riley a "pep talk" backstage. Miz said Riley was representing him. He was the WWE Champion that everyone was talking about. He told Riley he had to beat Orton tonight. Riley vowed to do so. Miz said afterward, he wasn’t going to tell Orton what type of match they were having at the PPV, he was going to show him… 


Randy Orton made his entrance… [C]

[Q8] 5. Randy Orton defeated Alex Riley (with The Miz) by disqualification in 2:48. Riley immediately went after the injured knee of Orton. Orton didn’t need much time to come back, hit the hangman DDT, and set up for the RKO. Miz came in the ring and hit a Skull Crushing Finale…

Miz grabbed the mic and said he was going to show Orton what type of match they are having. He reached under the ring and grabbed a full sized steel cage. Kidding. He set up a table in the ring. He attempted a SCF, but Orton countered. Miz did get out of the ring, but Riley did not.

Orton looked over at Riley and back at Miz. He grabbed Riley and powerbombed him through the table as he stared down Miz…

Barrett was shown walking backstage. He told Otunga to "make sure the guys are ready." … [C]

Wade Barrett came out to the ring. He said he was about to admit something he never thought he would admit. "I got it wrong… I thought John Cena was a man of his word." He said Cena did not have honor or integrity. 

[Overrun] Barrett said Cena could attack The Nexus all he wants, but only Barrett could rehire him. He invited Cena to come out to the ring because he wanted to get something off of his chest. Cena came through the crowd and entered the ring. "Security, we have a jumper," said Punk.

The Nexus, minus Mike McGillicutty, came out to the stage. Barrett said they would beat Cena within an inch of his life if Cena tried anything. "This is not going to work. I will never rehire you." Cena said being fired wasn’t that bad. He was now part of the WWE Universe. 

With all of the time on his hands, he gets to think about making the lives of The Nexus members a living hell. Barrett asked if he did rehire Cena, would the attacks end? Cena made some stupid comments and then said he would like to challenge for the WWE Championship, but Barrett doesn’t have it.


Cena said if Barrett rehired him, the attacks on The Nexus would stop, but the attacks on Barrett would not. If not, he had all the time in the world to continue making life hell for The Nexus…

Cena challenged Barrett to rehire him and face him in the ring tonight. He continued with the threats and Barrett ordered them to the ring to "extinguish" Cena. Nobody moved until one by one, they walked to the back. Otunga was left alone and he followed suit. 

Barrett screamed out orders to ears that were not listening. Cena attacked Barrett and set up the ring steps next to the announce table. Punk knew what was happening. "John? John, what are you doing? My diet soda!" 

Cena picked up Barrett in a fireman’s carry. He walked up the steps but Barrett slipped out and hauled ass up the ramp and to the back. Cena celebrated in the ring. Backstage, Barrett approached The Nexus and asked them what the hell was going on. 

Otunga stood face to face with Barrett and said if he didn’t hire Cena back next week, he was out of The Nexus. Each member gave Barrett a cold stare as they walked away… 


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