WWE RAW Results (1/24) – Nexus vs Corre, RR Preview!

CM Punk vs Wade Barrett

Cena throws Nexus out of the match and ejects them from ringside, then he ejects the Corre from ringside as well! Cena shoves Punk then shoves Barrett, and Punk uses this to take it to Barrett in the corner. Punk throws Barrett over the top ropes and taunts Cena, then Cena tosses him over the top rope and Cena dares him to hit him. Barrett gets back in and hits a side slam on Punk while Cena poses with fans. Barrett gets pissed off then Punk and Barrett double clothesline each other and they are both down.

Cena leaves the ring and tells Justin Roberts that the teams are both DQ’d for "excessive profanity." Roberts announces both of them and their teams are out of the Royal Rumble, and Cena celebrates up the ramp. A GM email interrupts and (thank you Baby Jesus) it says the match result stands but Punk and Nexus, and Barrett and the Corre are still in the Rumble.

Cole tells Cena he has to get in the ring and apologize, or he will be out of the Royal Rumble. Cena gets in, sarcastically apologizes then tries fighting Punk and Barrett before Nexus and Corre hit the ring. After that, Big Show and a bunch of other guys hit the ring and we get a mini Rumble before Sunday as RAW goes off the air.





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