WWE RAW Results (1/24) – Nexus vs Corre, RR Preview!

After the match, the Bellas are arguing backstage about what just happened. They both says they can ask him to straighten it out, but they walk in on him making out with Gail Kim! He tells them he and Gail have been dating and they have been trying to keep it low key, and they can’t believe it.

The Bellas say they thought he was a v… he says yeah, he’s a vegan, then Gail says he felt sorry for them. She says it’s too bad they don’t have a guest host to hang out with (BURN!), and they call her a layover and start brawling while refs and Bryan try to break them apart.

Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris vs Santino & Kozlov

Santino gets Mc in a headlock but Mc takes control and throws him into the turnbuckle as he tags in Husky. Husky kicks Santino then takes him down with a short lariat before putting him in an arm stretch to isolate him across the ring. Santino avoids Husky and punches him then hits a knee from behind, and goes for the Cobra but gets distracted by McGillicutty. He turns around and gets snapped backwards with a running neckbreaker and Nexus gets back in the tag title hunt.

Winners – Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris

After the match, Otunga asks for a hand for the New Nexus and asks for a warm round of applause for the victor of the 2011 Royal Rumble, CM Punk!


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