WWE RAW Results (3/14): More Returns, Miz Strikes Again!

The Miz vs The Great Khali

Miz punches Khali but Khali hits him and throws him in the corner, then chops him in the chest and follows it with a punch to the head. Khali grabs Miz and puts him in the Vise Grip, but Miz makes it to the ropes just as Alex Riley runs in and goes after Khali! The ref rings the bell as Riley keeps swinging, but Khali picks him up and chokebombs him on the mat. Miz comes in with a chair and absolutely unloads on him with it. Miz puts down the broken chair, then picks up Khali and DDT’s him on it, and picks up the chair and takes it to the back with him. 

Winner by DQ – The Great Khali

John Morrison is in the back talking to Snooki until they are interrupted by Vickie and Dolph, and she tells Snooki to stay away from Dolph. Vickie says she was offered the cover of Playboy, but Snooki tells her it was a centerfold because they can’t fit all of that on one page. Vickie gets pissed and tries slapping her, but Snooki blocks it and slaps her back. Morrison tells her they should get out of there, and Vickie screams while Dolph looks all concerned and holds her. 

United States Championship

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (c)

Sheamus pounds on Bryan then slams his head into the turnbuckle, but Bryan runs up it and backflips him, and attempts a submission move. Sheamus makes it to the ropes and gets outside but Bryan runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive and goes to the top rope. He hits a missile dropkick for two and Sheamus bails outside again as we go to a commercial break. When we return, Sheamus is in control and has Bryan in a rear chinlock, but Bryan gets out, only to run into a forearm smash. He chops Bryan on the ropes, then goes to the apron and knees him in the head, then whips him off the ropes but Bryan spins through and gets a near fall.

Bryan throws him over the ropes to the outside and Sheamus looks to have hurt his leg again and the ref starts the ten count. Bryan is held back by the ref and Sheamus runs at him for a Brogue Kick, but Bryan ducks and puts him in the LeBell Lock. Sheamus makes it to the ropes and lifts him for the High Cross, but Bryan rolls through and gets another near fall. Bryan unloads on Sheamus and repeatedly kicks him in the head, then goes up top and leaps off, but Sheamus hits him in mid air with the Brogue Kick and makes the cover. 

Winner and NEW United States Champion – Sheamus