WWE RAW Results (5/2) – Happy Birthday Rock!

Mason Ryan (w/ CM Punk) vs Kane

Ryan and Kane lock up and Ryan shoves Kane down to the mat, and then to the ringside floor. Ryan knocks him down again then bodyslams him, and whips him hard into the corner to continue the attack. Kane finally fights back and knocks Ryan back, but Punk grabs Kane and the ref throws the match out.

Winner by DQ – Kane

Kane tries to chokeslam Ryan, but Ryan grabs Kane’s arm and forces him back and says it won’t happen! Nexus starts beating on Kane when the Big Show runs out to make the save. He fights off some off the Nexus members but Ryan dives at him with a huge shoulder tackle and knocks Show out. Ryan leaves and goes up the ring without Nexus and they gather themselves at ringside and try to figure out what is going on.

The Rock comes back out and asks everyone if they had fun tonight, and he thanks them all for making it one of the greatest nights in his life. He thanks his family, and the WWE, and it will be the greatest birthday celebration in television history, and next year’s Wrestlemania will be the People’s Wrestlemania and it will be the greatest of all time. Vince McMahon comes out and thanks him for celebrating his birthday with them, and thanks him for his respect, humanity, love, and most of all, thank him for being the Rock. Vince says they put together a gift for him, and Vince thanks him for coming home.

After a video package plays, Rock gets a huge ovation and Justin Roberts announces Maya is there to sing happy birthday to the Rock. When she is done, the Rock thanks everyone and streamers come down from the rafters and it is followed by balloons and confetti. The Rock smiles and looks around then poses on the turnbuckle as the pyro explodes on the stage as RAW ends.



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