Bryan Danielson AEW Dynamite
Photo Credit: AEW

Bryan Danielson Will Stop Wrestling Full-Time So He Can Be A Great Parent Like Martha Hart

Last night on the 249th episode of AEW Dynamite, Hangman Adam Page and Bryan Danielson went to war in the finals of the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. After wrestling for nearly half an hour, Danielson managed to pick up the win.

Bryan Danielson then shared his thoughts on winning the tournament in a special exclusive backstage interview.

“It’s incredible. The emotion you get for something like that, it’s unlike anything else. And what it means, and what it means to me as a person, and what it means… [oh f*ck. F*ck, f*ck, f*ck] (Still in pain). Sorry! The pain in my arm is just a little too intense right now. [F*ck. Breathe, breathe, breathe.] You see… That’s… That’s why I meditate. Uh… Got these shooting pains down my arms. And sometimes it gets a little uncomfortable. But, you learn to do hard things when you are uncomfortable.

“And when I think of that, of winning the Owen Hart Memorial Tournament and what it means going to the main event of Wembley at All In, I’m proud of what I did out there. And a lot of this, I’m proud of winning the Owen because Owen Hart meant so much to professional wrestling. He meant so much as far as what it means to be a father in professional wrestling, what it means to put your family first. Right? That’s what Owen Hart means.”

Bryan Danielson on Martha Hart

Danielson also mentioned that the reason he is leaving professional wrestling is to be a parent like Martha Hart.

“But then also, as Martha was shaking my hand and giving me the trophy, I think we call this the Owen Hart Memorial Foundation Tournament. But I’m just as proud to shake her hand. Because what she’s done as a mother, all on her own and raise those kids, and started that Owen Hart Memorial Foundation, and all the good that she’s done. Getting her Doctorate. The people that her children have become, that’s inspiring to me. And that, that, not because I can’t handle it anymore, not because I’m not good enough, that… Because I want to be the type of parent that Martha Hart is.

“That’s where I am stopping full-time wrestling. But one of the things I want to do before I go, this is important to me. This is why I am doing this. Everybody needs a f*cking why. And this is my f*cking why. It’s because I’m not going out because I can’t do this anymore. I want to show my kids and my family that I can be the best in the mother f*cking world. And I’m not stopping because I can’t hang anymore. I’m stopping because I love my family so much. We talk about Owen Hart, tonight, I’m talking about Martha Hart. That’s the kind of parent I want to be. And that’s what this represents,” Bryan Danielson said.  

Can Bryan Danielson become the AEW World Heavyweight Champion?


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