WWE WrestleMania 39 Night two Results

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night One Results (4/1/23)

Dominik Mysterio vs. Rey Mysterio

Bad Bunny is at the Spanish Announce Desk for the match. Dominik is brought to the stage in a correction van. Corrections officers surround Dominik. Mysterio is driven to the ring by Snoop Dogg. Dominik pushes Mysterio. Mysterio lands a ranna. Mysterio sends Dominik into the corner. As Dominik hunches over, Mysterio removes his belt and whips him. Dominik rolls out of the ring. Mrs. Mysterio and Aaliyah yell at Dominik. Dominik takes his sister’s drink and tosses it in her face. Aaliyah tries to hop the barricade, but Mysterio holds her back. Dominik attacks Mysterio from behind.

Dominik works over Mysterio. Dom rolls out of the ring and tells his mother to shut up. Mrs. Mysterio slaps Dominik in the face. Mysterio sends Dominik into the ring post. Finn Bálor and Damian Priest make their way to ringside. Mysterio runs into an ally opp by Dominik. Mysterio slams his face into the top rope. The LWO runs down to the ring and brawls with Priest and Bálor. Dominik sends Mysterio into the rope and lands a 619. Frog Splash by Dominik. Mysterio kicks out. Dominik pulls a chain out of a pouch. Bad Bunny hops on the apron and snatches the chain from Dominik. Mysterio surprises Dominik with a 619. Mysterio lands a Frog Splash for the win.

Winner- Rey Mysterio

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Rhea Ripley

Ripley runs over Flair. As Flair is looking up, Ripley does a crotch chop. Flair runs over Ripley. Ripley rolls out of the ring. Flair tries to work over Ripley’s knee, but she moves and clobbers Flair. Ripley works over Flair’s midsection. Flair fires up, but Ripley cuts her off with a kidney shot. Flair misses a chop. Ripley responds with a German suplex. Flair fires up and lands a flurry of chops. Knee breaker by Flair. Flair goes up top. Ripley rolls through and attempts Riptide.

Flair reverses it into a DDT. Ripley kicks out. Flair tries the Figure Eight, but Ripley kicks her away. Ripley and Flair boot each other in the face at the same time. Fall away slam by Flair. Flair sets up a moonsault. Ripley cuts her off and hits a German suplex off the top! Flair somehow kicks out. Ripley rolls out of the ring. Flair follows. Ripley sends Flair into the ring steps. Face buster by Ripley. Flair kicks out. Flair counters Riptide with a German suplex. German suplex by Ripley. Flair lands on her face. Flair kicks out. Big boot by Flair. Ripley kicks out. Flair boots Ripley off the apron. Flair lands a moonsault off the top to the outside.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (3/31/23)

Flair tries a spear and almost hits the referee. Ripley clocks Flair with a headbutt, followed by Riptide. Flair kicks out at 2.9. Ripley locks Flair in the Prism Lock. Flair gets to the ropes. Spear by Flair. Ripley kicks out. Ripley and Flair trade strikes. Figure Four by Flair. Ripley gets to the ropes to break the hold. Flair sets up a fallaway slam off the top, but Ripley slams Flair’s head into the ring post. Flair is out cold. Ripley hits Riptide off the top for the win.

Winner and NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion, Rhea Ripley!

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