danny cage monster factory
Photo Credit: Apple TV+

Danny Cage: Wrestling Is More Than Getting Signed, It’s About The Journey And Memories

Danny Cage knows there’s more to pro wrestling than getting signed.

WrestleZone recently spoke with the cast of Monster Factory, the Apple TV+ documentary series that profiles Cage’s wrestling school in Paulsboro, New Jersey. During the series, Cage says that his original goal was to get one person signed to a major wrestling promotion. In the years since he took over, the Monster Factory has seen Matt Riddle, Damian Priest and Steve Maclin, among others, make it to the big leagues.

Asked what his next milestone or goal is since he got multiple people signed, Danny Cage said that he just wants everyone to find success in their own way.

“My own show on Apple TV+. Oh, I did that. No, but seriously, I want everybody out there signed and doing great things. But I think what we discovered the last couple years, especially with the pandemic and everything is there’s more to this than just getting signed and stuff like that. It’s not forgetting the journey that we’re on and the memories that we make,” Danny Cage said. “I said to people, if I wasn’t filming this when I was going through what I was going through, I don’t know where I’d be at right now. I got through this because of we were filming this, and that’s what wrestling can do for you. That’s the family you create. That’s the bond that you create.

“And just being around these type of people and the type of people we have with Apple TV+, with Public record, with Vox and all that stuff and all the wrestlers and coaches we have with Missy [Sampson, Monster Factory coach] and everything, it’s just, it’s family. I just want to make sure my family’s taken care of, so if that means we need to get some more people signed, then get some more people signed. And that means we need season two, three and four of Apple TV+ Monster Factory, we’ll get that too,” Cage said. “The goalposts always move.”


Considering the positive exposure that comes from a show like this, Danny Cage was asked if he had any issues with prospective students that wanted to come in maybe knowing that there was going to be cameras there. Cage said that wasn’t a problem, but it was interesting to watch how people react when the school hinted at big plans coming, but couldn’t exactly say what.

“No, but here’s something that’s very odd. We talked about it on other shows, but in wrestling, a lot of people don’t believe people when they say, ‘hey, we have this thing coming up.’ So like, I would be there and just be like, ‘Hey, right now would be a great time.’ And [some would say], ‘well, think I’ll wait till the end of the year. I’m like, ‘All right.’ They’ll wait and they’ll be like, ‘Oh, didn’t know you were taping a show.’ Yeah, I know. Well, I couldn’t tell you. So here we are,” he said. “But we had other talent that didn’t do the last show because people told them not to do it or because they thought like, it wasn’t real or it was a work.

“I tell this to all the students too, they missed out and all that stuff, some people quit after we were done taping. They just walked away from the Monster Factory and I’m such a sucker, I’ll welcome them all back because if they want to come back, then they usually means that you realize you made a mistake,” Danny Cage noted. “And if you’re not going to let someone come back from a mistake, what’s the purpose of admitting that you were wrong? So, I’ll have some more students, I’m sure. It is what it is. We’ll figure it out if we get too many students. I don’t know, maybe another school. Maybe these guys can be coaches and girls.”

All episodes of Monster Factory are available now on Apple TV+. Watch our full video interview with Danny Cage, Gabby Ortiz, Lucas ‘Twitch’ Disangro and David ‘Goldy’ Goldschmidt below: