Charlotte Flair Rhea Ripley WWE WrestleMania 39
Image Credit: WWE

Charlotte Flair: WrestleMania 36 Was Just Scratching The Surface With Rhea Ripley

Charlotte Flair is excited to write another chapter of her rivalry with Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39.

SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair recently sat down with Alex McCarthy of Daily Mail to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about her upcoming match with Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39, Flair said she believes her match with Ripley at WrestleMania 36 was just scratching the surface of what the two women are capable of in the ring together.

“I’m excited. WrestleMania 36 exceeded expectations and that was just scratching the surface,” Charlotte Flair said. “That was literally, we found out we were first, we put the match together in three hours, maybe even two, then we had the match in front of no fans, and it was awesome, and we beat the bloody hell out of each other.

“Then, you fast forward to Money in the Bank, which I think people maybe don’t talk about as much because it wasn’t one of the big four, but that match was a top eight or ten match in my opinion without really a story.

“At least the NXT match had a story, that match didn’t necessarily have one. I think me, her and Asuka had a triple threat with no fans and then went to that Money in the Bank. With her growth and platform and new level of confidence you’re just going to see two titans going at it.”

When asked about the NXT plan in 2020 that Triple H hinted didn’t go according to plan, Flair said that makes this upcoming match even better and helps their story develop organically.

“Would Rhea and I have the opportunity to be going into a WrestleMania, I say headlining because she won the Rumble, if the NXT hadn’t happened? That’s what makes this even better because you see two girls that are both better than they were three years later, exponentially better,” Charlotte Flair said. “Maybe we didn’t see the big picture or the full plan back then, but then I think this makes it even better. You can’t write this kind of story, it just happens organically. What’s meant to be is meant to be.”

When asked what it’s like working on the WWE main roster now with Triple H in charge instead of Vince McMahon, Flair said she believes the change in leadership affects new talent more than the veterans in the locker room.

“Yes. I think it’s different for me because I’m already established. Triple H was my boss early on, he’s my boss now,” Charlotte Flair said. “Whether it’s Triple H or Vince, I think the biggest change for a talent in leadership is more the new talent. I’ve been under both reigns. My job is to perform and to make the best product.

“We’re not really changing Charlotte along the way. My job is to make Triple H happy right now. If it’s Vince, my job is to make Vince happy. The transition is very easy, it’s definitely not a difficult transition. From a character standpoint it hasn’t changed, but the transition from one boss to another has been easy for me.”

READ MORE: Charlotte Flair On Unifying WWE Women’s Titles: I Wouldn’t Recommend That, It Takes Opportunities Away

What do you make of Charlotte Flair’s comments? Are you looking forward to her match with Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.