WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (2/13/23)

Miz TV

Miz introduces his guest tonight, Seth “Freakin” Rollins. Rollins is wearing those ridiculous red boots that have been all over social media this week. Miz asks, “what are those?” Rollins dances around the ring and says it’s called style, something Miz knows nothing about. Miz says Rollins has been too focused on Logan Paul instead of the United States Championship. Miz says Paul called Rollins a clown, and now Rollins has the boots to match it.

Rollins tells Miz when he grew up, his mother taught him if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Miz notes that Rollins has been talking about Paul everywhere but in the WWE ring. Miz browbeats Rollins over his avoidance of Paul. Rollins tells “Mike” to shut up. Rollins says he won’t talk about Paul because of this (he points to the WrestleMania sign). Main eventing WrestleMania is a dream for all of us.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (2/6/23)

Do you know who doesn’t give a damn about that dream? Logan Paul. All he cares about is making himself famous. He won’t say Paul’s name because he doesn’t deserve it. All Paul needs are his teeth kicked in. Miz says it sounds like Rollins is jealous. Rollins tells Miz everyone knows he’s stupid, but he can’t be that stupid. Miz demands Rollins not call him stupid. Rollins asks the crowd to help him out.

They all call Miz stupid. Miz goes on a rant about not being stupid. Miz tells Rollins that he’s the only person in this ring who has main evented WrestleMania. Rollins attacks Miz. Austin Theory pulls Rollins out of the ring. Rollins sends Theory into the announce desk. Miz almost hits the Skull Crushing Finale, but Rollins escapes and Stomps him. Theory attacks Rollins from behind. A Town Down by Theory.

The Miz is out in the ring. During the break, he finally gets to his feet. Rick Boogs makes his entrance. Miz is still out of it.

The Miz vs. Rick Boogs

Before the match can start, Miz grabs a mic and says there is no way they have this match. The bell rings, and Boogs suplexes Miz while he’s still holding the mic. Boogs picks up Miz and curls him like a barrel. Boogs hits a gorilla press into a front slam for the win.

Winner- Rick Boogs

Backstage, Chelsea Green complains to Adam Pearce about not being ready for Asuka last week. Green demands to be added to the triple-threat match tonight. Pearce says no. Green refuses to leave his office until he says yes. Pearce leaves her there.

Bianca Belair vs. Becky Lynch vs. Bayley (If Bayley or Lynch wins, they will be added to the women’s Elimination Chamber Match. If Belair wins, neither will be added)

The match started during the break. Bayley is dropkicked off the apron by Lynch. Lynch goes up top. Belair cuts Lynch off, and gorilla presses Lynch off the top. Bayley gets in the ring, and Belair tosses Lynch at her. Lynch lands in a pin, but Belair breaks it up once the referee starts counting. Bayley dumps Lynch out of the ring. Basement clothesline to the back of Belair’s head by Bayley. Belair kicks out. Bayley posts Belair.

Lynch tries to get back in the ring, but Bayley knocks her off the apron. Bayley works over Belair. Belair tries to fire up, landing a flurry of punches. Bayley responds with a belly-to-back suplex. Lynch gets back on the apron, but Bayley stuns her on the top rope. Bayley traps Belair in a kneebar. Lynch breaks it up with a leg drop off the top. Bayley kicks out. Lynch unloads on Bayley. Lynch DDTs Belair and Bayley at the same time. Belair kicks out.

After the break, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky joined Bayley at ringside. Belair sets up a superplex on Lynch. Bayley cuts Belair off and powerbombs her and Lynch off the top. Bayley tries two pins, but neither woman will stay down. Baylay lays Lynch and Belair in the middle of the ring. Belair rolls out of the way as Bayley lands an elbow drop. Belair breaks up the pin. Bayley gets to her feet and gets run over by Belair. Belair lands ten punches on Bayley in the corner.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (2/6/23)

Lynch charges in, but Belair backflips off the ropes to avoid her. Lynch is sent out of the ring. Belair tries a handspring, but Bayley gets her knees up. Lynch hits the diamond dust on Belair and lands on Bayley in the process. Lynch hits the Manhandle Slam on Bayley. Sky and Ki pull Lynch out of the ring to break the count. Sky boots Belair in the head. Asuka, Rodriguez, Cross, Natalya, and Carmella run down to ringside and attack Damage CTRL.

Everyone is fighting outside the ring. Sky goes up top. Belair gorilla presses Sky off the top and tosses her on top of everyone fighting outside the ring. Bayley clubs Belair from behind. Lynch does the same to her. Everyone trades strikes. Lynch Mandhandle Slams Bayley. Belair KODs Lynch on top of Bayley. Belair pins Bayley.

Winner- Bianca Belair

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