Madcap Moss vs. Sheamus vs. Ricochet vs. Happy Corbin vs. Sami Zayn (Winner gets an Intercontinental Championship Match at Clash of the Castle)
The crowd goes nuts for Zayn as soon as his music hits (they are in his hometown). As soon as the bell rings, Ricochet goes after Corbin. Zayn and Ricochet are left in the ring after a brawl. Ricochet goes for a pin that is broken up by everyone. After the break, everyone is fighting outside the ring. Corbin slams Zayn into the barricade. Corbin sends Ricochet into the ropes. Ricochet does a backflip off of Corbin’s chest, only to get floored by a right hand from Corbin. Corbin beats down Moss and Ricochet. Moss fires up.
Corbin surprises Moss with the dipsey doo clothesline. Sheamus attacks Corbin. Corbin sends Sheamus into the corner and follows that with a back suplex. Ricochet lands a series of dropkicks. Corbin walks into a DDT by Ricochet. Sheamus drops Moss and Zayn with a pair of Irish curse back breakers. Ten beats of the Bodhran. Zayn sends Corbin out of the ring. Zayn lands a dive that takes out Sheamus and Corbin. Michinoku driver to Ricochet by Zayn. Zyan sets up the Helluva Kick but Moss gets in the way. Zayn blasts Moss with a blue thunder bomb. Moss kicks out. Zayn goes up top.
Check out last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (8/12/22)
Sheamus cuts him off and hits an avalanche white noise. Zayn rolls out of the ring. Zayn is being attended to by officials. He is favoring his shoulder as he walks to the backstage area. After the break, Ricochet lands a handspring back elbow on Corbin. Corbin responds with a big boot. Torture rack neck breaker by Corbin. Sheamus and Corbin pair off. Sheamus sends Corbin over the top with a clothesline. Moss rolls up Sheamus. Sheamus kicks out and drops Moss with a knee strike. Moss kicks out. Moss counters a Brogue kick with a powerbomb. Ricochet lands the Recoil on Moss.
Shooting Star Press by Ricochet. Moss breaks up the pin. Zayn runs back down to the ring holding his shoulder. Ricochet runs right into an exploder suplex by Zayn. Zayn lands the Helluva Kick. Corbin yanks Zayn off of Ricochet to break up the pin. Corbin sends Zayn into the ring post. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Corbin out of nowhere for the win.
Winner- Sheamus