Josh Alexander Joe Doering IMPACT Against All Odds
Image Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Against All Odds Results (7/1/22)

IMPACT Wrestling will hold its Against All Odds at Center Stage in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 1.

In the main event, Josh Alexander will defend the IMPACT World Championship against Joe Doering.

The results are as follows:


Black Taurus defeated Laredo Kid

IMPACT Digital Media Championship: Rich Swann (c) vs. Brian Myers

The match quickly spills to the outside. Myers hits Swann with a keyboard and a mouse. Swan n rallies, but Myers gains the upper hand and chokes the champion with a tripod. The challenger continues to control the action and ties Swann’s arm to the ropes. He hits him with an extension cord and blasts him with the tripod. Swann keeps fighting and gains the upper hand. Myers hits a DDT for a two count. Swann hits a Death Valley Driver onto a chair for a two count. A Spear still doesn’t keep Swann down.

The champion perseveres, and the bout ventures up the entrance ramp. Swann drops Myers with a cutter on the ramp. Myers blasts Swann with a keyboard and floors him with the Roster Cut clothesline for the win.

Winner and new IMPACT Digital Media Champion: Brian Myers

Main Show:

Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)

Alex Shelley and Ace Austin feel each other out early on. Sabin takes in and squares off with the former X-Division Champion. Shelley takes a swing at Austin, and Sabin capitalizes by catching him with a dropkick.  Austin gains the upper hand and grounds Sabin. The Motor City Machine Guns showcase their tag team excellence and double-team Austin. Shelley sends Bey to the outside, but Austin blasts the veterans with penalty kicks. Bey dives onto the Guns at ringside, and the Bullet Club duo takes control by ganging up on Shelley. Bey rakes Shelley’s back, as does Austin. Bey maintains the advantage, but Shelley rallies. Bey pulls Sabin off the apron to prevent him from tagging in. Shelley ducks a kick, causing Bey to kick Austin and allowing Sabin to tag in.

He enters the match with a flurry of offense and ducks a Spear from Bey, so he hits Austin instead. Sabin kicks both men in the corner. He double-teams Bey with Shelley and gets a two count. Bey takes control, but Sabin avoids a splash. The Guns hit a modified Doomsday Device, and Sabin hits the Cradle Shock for a two count. Sabin slams Bey to the mat with a double team maneuver for the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns

Backstage, The Good Brothers are standing by with America’s Most Wanted and Rhino and Heath. Karl Anderson hypes up the aura in the building tonight. Doc Gallows says it’ll be “against all odds” tonight for each member of Honor No More because they have assembled a dream team tonight. Heath gets fired up, and James Storm is happy because the beer is ice cold. He says America’s Most Wanted came into the company together, and they’ll go out together. Chris Harris says Honor No More is on trial tonight, and the defendants are guilty.

Mia Yim & Mickie James vs. Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green

Green and Purrazzo take the fight to their opponents, and all four women brawl before the match is officially underway. Yim and James take control and hit baseball slide dropkicks. Purrazzo and Yim are the legal women once the bell rings. Green and “The Virtuosa” double-team Yim and keep up the attack behind the referee’s back. Yim rallies and tags James, who clears house with a flurry of offense. James and Yim briefly take control, but Purrazzo gains the upper hand and grounds her. “The Virtuosa” drops Yim with a cheap shot, and Yim kicks James while the referee isn’t looking. Green continues to isolate James. Purrazzo tags in and continues to dominate the veteran. James eventually rallies and tags Yim, who floors Green with a series of strikes. She drops Green with a swinging DDT. James takes down Purrazzo with a dive off the top rope.

Yim gets a two count with a German suplex. Green hits a double-team neckbreaker on James for the win.

WinnersDeonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green

Eddie Edwards gets Honored No More fired up with a pre-match promo. Matt Taven says they have a goal, and they’re going to keep the trend going by getting rid of all the “Melvins”. Edwards says Honor No More is a group that trusts each other, but he makes the decision to have PCO sit out tonight because he can’t trust him. Vincent advocates for him, and Edwards says that PCO is back in the match, but Vincent is out.

IMPACT X-Division Championship: “Speedball” Mike Bailey (c) vs Trey Miguel

Miguel sends Bailey to the outside and dives onto him right away. The challenger flies over the ropes and takes Bailey down. The champion dives onto Miguel outside of the ring. Miguel targets Bailey’s leg and grounds him in an effort to neutralize his high-flying offense. Bailey kicks Miguel’s leg and takes him down with a dragon screw. He wrenches the challenger in a leg lock. Bailey blasts Miguel with some stiff kicks. Miguel fires back with his own kicks and stomps on Miguel’s knee. Both men are down as Miguel lands hard on his own knee. Bailey kicks Miguel’s leg, but the challenger locks a knee-first moonsault by getting his knees up. Both men are down again. They keep trading kicks to the leg. Bailey hits another dragon screw, and Miguel hits one, too.

Bailey drills Miguel with a kick and hits the knee-first moonsault. Miguel rolls Bailey up for a two count and hits a brainbuster. Miguel dives off the top, but Bailey moves, so he lands hard on his injured leg. The challenger hits a hurricanrana off the apron, and both men are down. Bailey kicks Miguel’s leg and hits the moonsault knees on Miguel on the apron. The champion hits a spinning kick. Miguel dodges a dive and rolls up Miguel for a two count. The challenger gets another two count with a Meteora. Miguel trips up Baley, and his head slams onto the apron. Bailey lifts Miguel onto his shoulders and slams him for the win.

Winner and still IMPACT X-Division Champion: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie (c) vs. Tenille Dashwood & Gisele Shaw (with Madison Rayne)

Valkyrie and Shaw start the bout. The champions gain the upper hand as Valkyrie drops Shaw with a snap German suplex. Shaw rakes Rosemary’s eyes and tags Dashwood. Rosemary plants her with a sidewalk slam. The champions double-team Dashwood. Shaw tags in and suplexes Valkyrie for a two count. She grounds Valkyrie and tags Dashwood, who slams “La Wera Loca” face-first into the mat. Shaw slaps Valkyrie’s chest and hits a running forearm in the corner. She gets a two count with an uppercut. Valkyrie rallies with a suplex and tags Rosemary, who clotheslines Dashwood and drops her with a slingblade. She gets a two count with a suplex .

Shaw and Dashwood gain the upper hand, and a dive onto Rosemary’s legs earn the challengers a two count. The champions take control, but Rayne trips Valkyrie up. Rosemary fights off Shaw, and Valkyrie rolls Dashwood up for the win.

Winners and still Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie (c)

Rayne, Dashwood, and Shaw attack the champions after the match and hit them with the titles.

Masha Slamovich confronts the trio and hands an envelope to Dashwood. She opens it and it has a picture of her with an “x” on it.

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