aew forbidden door

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results (6/26/22): Moxley vs. Tanahashi, IWGP Title Match, More

Main Show

Winner Gets The Advantage At Blood & Guts: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, & Minoru Suzuki vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, & Shota Umino

Jericho tags in and squares off with Yuta, who takes the fight to the former world champion and suplexes him several times. Jericho fights his way free, but Yuta slams him again and locks in a crossface. Both sets of partners brawl at ringside. Jericho slams Yuta into the steps. Guevara and Jericho double-team Yuta. Kingston attacks Guevara with a series of strikes.

Guevara catches Yuta with a dropkick. Yuta slams him and tags Umino, who rocks Guevara with a dropkick. Jericho tags in and trades blows with Umino. Kingston tags in, and Jericho tags Suzuki. Kingston takes his straps down, and Suzuki chops him. Suzuki gives him one right back, and they keep trading stiff strikes. Suzuki blasts Kingston with a forearm to the head.

Jericho and his partners isolate Kingston. “The Mad King” chops Jericho repeatedly. Suzuki traps him in an arm-bar, and Jericho drops him with an arm-bar. He grounds “The Mad King” along with Suzuki. Jericho’s team locks in stereo submission holds.

Kingston suplexes Guevara and tags Umino, who clears house. Suzuki attacks Umino, but “Shooter” takes him out. Guevara dives onto Umino at ringside, and Yuta takes him down with a dive. Kingston follows suit. Yuta drops Guevara with a crossbody. Kingston suplexes Guevara and locks in the Stretch Plum. Suzuki breaks it up, but Kingston drops him with a back fist. Bodies are flying as the match breaks down into chaos. Umino gets a near fall with an avalanche powerslam. Conti distracts Yuta, and Guevara blasts him with the GTH. Guevara hits Umino with a bat, but Umino keeps fighting. He locks in the Walls of Jericho, but Guevara breaks it up. Suzuki drops Kingston with a piledriver. In the end, Jericho pins Umino with the Judas Effect.

WinnersChris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, & Minoru Suzuki

Winner Takes All Match for the IWGP Tag Team Championship and the ROH World Tag Team Championship: Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan vs. FTR vs. Roppongi Vice

Harwood and Romero start the bout and feel each other out. Cobb tags in, and Harwood chops him. Cobb trucks over him, but Romero tags in. Harwood floors him with a forearm, and FTR double-teams the veteran. Harwood seemingly hurts his shoulder and exits the ring, where the doctor checks on him. Romero gains the upper hand as Harwood is taken to the back.

Great-O-Khan tags in and overpowers Wheeler. He sits on Wheeler’s head, and Cobb blasts him with a clothesline. Beretta tags in and suplexes Great-O-Khan. He drops the powerhouse with a DDT. Cobb reverses a DDT and slams Beretta. Romero takes Cobb down with a hurricanrana. Great-O-Khan slams Romero onto the apron. Trent floors Great-O-Khan with a Spear.

Roppongi Vice is in control, but Wheeler tags in and clears house. By himself, he brings it to United Empire, but Great-O-Khan slams him. The powerhouse sends Romero flying with a shoulder tackle. Harwood comes back to the ring with his shoulder taped up. Wheeler tags him, and Harwood gains the upper hand with a flurry of offense. A one-man warrior, Harwood keeps fighting. He suplexes Cobb a few times. Wheeler gets a two count with a frog splash.

Romero tags in and snaps Great-O-Khan’s arm over the ropes. He and Wheeler drop Great-O-Khan with a spike piledriver. Cobb counters the Strong Zero with a powerbomb. He hits a standing moonsault on Romero. The United Empire duo double-teams Beretta. Roppongi Vice rallies and hits Strong Zero for a two count. Romero gets a two count with an inside cradle. FTR hits the Big Rig for the win.

Winners and new IWGP Tag Team Champions: FTR

Backstage, Tony Schiavone is standing by with Juice Robinson and Jay White. Juice has the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship with him, and he says the match between Ospreay and Orange Cassidy will be a number one contender’s match. White vows to beat Page, Cole, and Okada in the same match tonight because this is the Switchblade Era, and that is “too sweet.”

AEW All-Atlantic Championship: Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. PAC vs. Clark Connors

PAC takes the fight to Black, leaving Connors alone with Miro. “The Redeemer” uses his power advantage to gain the upper hand, but Connors catches him with a shoulder tackle. Miro catches a diving Connors and slams him onto the floor. Black and Miro square off, and  Black hits a springboard moonsault. He drills Connors with a knee strike. PAC and Miro are left in the ring, and Miro plants him with a Fallaway Slam.

Connors brings the fight to “The Redeemer”, and Miro slams him to the ground. Miro is in complete control, and he slams Connors again. Black and Miro stomp on PAC. The two powerhouses face off and trade strikes. Miro nails Black with an uppercut. “The Redeemer” plants PAC with a Samoan drop. PAC dives onto Black outside the ring. He takes Miro down with a shotgun dropkick. Black nails him with a knee strike.

The competitors trade blows. Outside the ring, Black gets a table and sets it up. Connors tackles Miro through a table and takes control. He slams Black but eats kicks from PAC. He drops PAC with a Spear and slams “The Bastard” for a two count. PAC kicks him in the face, but Black stops him from hitting the Black Arrow.

Miro slams Connors and Black as they superplex PAC. He nails PAC with a kick and locks in the Game Over. Black breaks it up by misting Miro and blasting him with the Black Mass. PAC hits the Black Arrow on Black and makes Connors tap out to the Brutalizer.

Winner and new AEW All-Atlantic Champion: PAC

The Young Bucks and El Phantasmo (with Hikuleo) vs. Dudes with Attitude (Sting, Darby Allin and Shingo Takagi)

Sting doesn’t appear during his entrance, so it seems like he won’t be in the match. The Young Bucks enter, and the lights go out. The spotlight focus on Sting up on the catwalk. He then appears on top of the entrance tunnel and dives onto the Bullet Club team. The trios brawl at ringside, but Takagi and Phantasmo enter the ring to start the bout. Sting and Takagi double-team Phantasmo, and they bump fists.

Allin tags in and gets double-teamed by the Bucks. The Bullet Club trio gains the upper hand as Nick Jackson dives onto the former TNT Champion. Matt and Nick are in control, and Phantasmo tags in. He rakes Allin’s back. Matt showboats and rakes Allin’s back. Allin rallies with a German suplex from the tree of woe position. He nails Phantasmo with a Code Red.

Takagi tags in and clears house. He suplexes Nick Jackson and plants him with a Death Valley Driver. Sting tags in and stuns the Bucks with a series of strikes. Phantasmo tries to twist his nipples, and “The Icon” no-sells it. Hits a Stinger Splash on the Bucks. Hikuleo gets on the apron, and the distraction lets Phantasmo hit Sting in the “yammies”, as Taz puts it. The Bucks superkick all three of their opponents, but Sting doesn’t go down. He floors the duo with a clothesline.

The Bucks dive onto their opponents on the outside, and Phantasmo follows suit. The Bullet Club trio superkicks Sting. “The Icon” twists Phantasmo’s nipples. Allin dives onto Hikuleo at ringside. Takagi drills Phantasmo with some elbows and blasts him with a clothesline. Takagi pins Phantasmo with the Last of the Dragon.

WinnersDudes with Attitude (Sting, Darby Allin and Shingo Takagi)

Backstage, Chris Jericho tells Shota Umino earns his respect and proceeds to blast him with a fireball while 2point0 distracts him.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results Continue On The Next Page!