AEW Dynamite April 20
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (4/20/22)

On the April 20 episode of AEW Dynamite, the qualifying matches for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament continued. Plus, HOOK made his Dynamite in-ring debut, Dustin Rhodes faced CM Punk, and Darby Allin battled Andrade El Idolo in a coffin match.

AEW Dynamite

April 20, 2022

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Match One: CM Punk vs. Dustin Rhodes

Punk and Rhodes shake hands and proceed to feel each other out. The match is a stalemate after an arm drag and a hip toss from Punk and Rhodes, respectively. “The Second City Saint” takes Rhodes to the mat, but “The Natural” continues to hold his own. Rhodes snaps Punk’s arm on the ropes and targets it. Punk dodges a crossbody, sending Rhodes crashing to the mat and out to the floor. Back in the ring, Punk hones in on Rhodes’ leg and grounds “The Natural.” Punk repeatedly attacks the leg, but Rhodes rallies and sends him to the outside. The former world champion kicks Rhodes’ leg, forcing him to land hard on the apron. Rhodes sends Punk into the ring-post and takes control with a flurry of offense.

He punches “The Best in the World” in the corner, but he hurts his leg when he jumps down. Rhodes gets a two count with a Code Red. He counters the GTS and gets a two count with a powerslam. Punk goes back to the leg with the chop block and locks in the Figure-Four, but Rhodes reverses it. Rhodes hits the Crossrhodes and a piledriver for a near fall. Punk kicks him in the head and goes for the GTS, but he couldn’t fully lift him. Punk them stacks Rhodes up for the three count.

Winner: CM Punk

Punk and Rhodes embrace after the match in a clear sign of respect. They shake hands again, and Rhodes raises Punk’s hand. Once Punk starts walking up the ramp, AEW World Champion Hangman Page comes out and stares him down.

The show then plays a clip from earlier today; “Smart” Mark Sterling tells Wardlow he will be escorted to his “closet” when he arrives every week, and he’ll have to wear handcuffs wherever he goes in the building. Sterling delivers a message from MJF, who says “Eat pig….” Wardlow says, “Oink oink” and walks with the security.

Match Two: Blackpool Combat Club vs. Dante Martin, Lee Moriarty, and Brock Anderson

BCC takes the fight to their opponents right away. Danielson tags in and lights up Martin with some kicks. Martin showcases his athleticism and takes Danielson and Moxley down with dropkicks. Anderson tags in and floors Moxley with a clothesline. Moxley suplexes Anderson and dumps him on the ropes. Yuta slams Anderson into the steel steps, and BCC continues to isolate him. Moxley slams him again, and BCC keeps dissecting the young star. Danielson blasts him with a kick, and Moxley keeps Anderson grounded.

Anderson plants Moxley with a spinebuster. Moriarty takes in and takes control with a flurry of offense. He takes Danielson down with a springboard forearm. Danielson and Moriarty trade blows. Moriarty takes Danielson down with a suplex. Martin soars with a dive to the outside onto Moxley. Moxley counters a springboard manuever from Martin and goes for the bulldog choke. YThe BCC brutalizes their opponents with some nasty strikes. Moxley pins Martin with the Paradigm Shift.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

Backstage, Adam Cole, the Young Bucks and reDRagon try to regroup. O’Reilly says they need to turn things around, and he vowed to do his part by qualifying for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. Cole says they’re unstoppable together, and he tells the Young Bucks that their old friends are gone, but he and reDRagon are still here. He issues an open challenge for an Undisputed Elite ten-man tag team bout next week. In doing so, he hopes to get them all back on the same page.

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!