WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (10/1/21)

The New Day and The Street Profits vs. Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, and Alpha Academy

The heels take early control of the match, working over Ford. Ford manages to tag in Dawkins, who clears the ring. Otis floors Dawkins. Ford sends Otis over the top. Ford lands a beautiful dive. Ziggler superkicks Ford outside the ring. Roode spinebusters Dawkins for a near fall. Dawkins tags in Kingston. Woods and Kingston hit the assisted double stomp for the win.

Winners- The New Day and The Street Profits

WWE Draft Round 4th round

13th. SmackDown Selects: Naomi- Sonya Deville notes that this wasn’t her idea.

14th. RAW Selects Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio

15th. SmackDown Selects: Jeff Hardy

16th. RAW Selects Austin Theory

Backstage, Hardy is about to give an interview about his move to SmackDown but Brock Lesnar walks in. Hardy says ah.. and tells Lesnar he can go. Lesnar grabs the mic and says because of his good friend Paul Heyman Lesnar is a free agent. He can go and do whatever he wants.

Backstage, Reigns and the Usos all look pissed. Reigns asks Heyman is Lesanr is his good friend. Reigns wants to know why Heyman isn’t looking out for them. The Usos were not drafted to SmackDown tonight. Heyman says it will happen Monday. Reigns yells at Heyman. Reigns tells Heyman to go to RAW and make sure his cousins are drafted to SmackDown. Reigns tells Jimmy and Jey to go with Heyman and make sure this goes the way it should. If it doesn’t Reigns tells them to leave Heyman for dead on RAW.

Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks

Before the match starts, Becky Lynch joins the commentary desk. Belair forces Banks into the corner. Belair gives Banks a clean break. Banks grabs a side headlock. Banks lands a ranna. Banks tries a monkey flip but Belair lands on her feet. Belair floors Banks with a shoulder block. Belair press slams Banks. Banks manages to sends Belair into the corner. Belair counters Banks strike by lifting her up for the KOD. Banks lands on her feet. Belair turns Banks inside out with a lariat. After the break, Banks lands Meteora.

Belair responds with the Glam Slam. Banks kicks out. Belair lands a delayed verticle suplex. Belair flattens Banks with a handspring moonsault. Banks kicks out at two. Banks decks Belair. Banks lands a double knee strike in the corner. Belair tries to counter but Banks slams her into the turnbuckle. Banks tries a tornado DDT. Belair tries to put on the breaks but Banks muscles her into the DDT. Belair kicks out. Banks gets another near fall after a frog splash. Belair kicks out. Banks tries a rolling ranna but Belair reverses it into the alley-oop. Banks kicks out. Banks rolls out to the apron.

Belair tries the KOD. Banks gets back in the ring. Banks tries a powerbomb off the apron. Belair puts on the breaks and does a backflip off the apron. Belair stumbles into Lynch. Lynch and Banks argue. As Belair is getting back in the ring, Lynch grabs Belair’s braid. In the confusion, Banks traps Belair in a rolling prawn hold for the win!

Winner- Sasha Banks

After the match, Charlotte Flair hits the ring and boots Belair and Banks in the face. Flair holds up the RAW Women’s Championship as Lynch stands on the commentary desk holding up the SmackDown Women’s Championship.


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