WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/30/21)

The Viking Raiders vs. Jinder Mahal and Veer w/Shanky

Mahal and Veer work over Ivar. Erik tags in and clears the ring. Erik tosses Ivar off the apron into Veer and Shanky. Erik and Ivar surprise Mahal with the Viking Experience for the win.

Winners- The Viking Raiders

United States Championship Match: Damian Priest (c) vs. Sheamus and Drew McIntyre

Priest and McIntyre double team Sheamus. Sheamus rolls out of the ring. McIntyre whips Sheamus at Priest. Priest back body drops Sheamus into the time keeper’s area. McIntyre gets back in the ring and waves to Priest to join him. After the break, Sheamus lands a clothesline off the top to Priest. Priest kicks out. Sheamus sends McIntyre into the ring post. Back in the ring, Priest locks Sheamus in a modified Koji Clutch. Sheamus fights out of the hold. Irish curse backbreaker by Sheamus. Priest tries to rip off Sheamus’ protective face mask but Sheamus blocks it. Ten beats of the Bohdren by Sheamus.

Sheamus mocks Priest in the ring. McIntyre attacks Sheamus from behind. McIntyre ends up running into the ring post again. Priest catches Sheamus with a spinning heel kick. Priest works over Sheamus and McIntyre at the same time. McIntyre lands a dive crushing Sheamus and Priest. McIntyre lands a Michinoku Driver on Priest. Priest kicks out at two. Priest goes up top but is cut off by McIntyre. Sheamus knocks McIntyre into a tree of woe. Sheamus climbs over McIntyre and tries to superplex Priest. McIntyre sits up and German suplexes Sheamus off the top as Sheamus is lifting Priest for the suplex.

Everyone crashes to the mat. After the break, McIntyre and Sheamus trade strikes. Sheamus locks McIntyre in the cloverleaf. Priest breaks it up with a kick to Sheamus’ head. Priest and McIntyre trade strikes. Priest sets up the Reckoning but Sheamus Brogue Kicks Prest. McIntyre tries the Claymore but Sheamus counters with a pump knee. McIntyre kicks out. Sheamus hits white noise off the second rope. Priest breaks up the pin. McIntyre Claymores Sheamus out of the ring. Priest drops McIntyre with the Reckoning for the win!

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Damian Priest!

After the match, McIntyre shakes Priest’s hand.

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