WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money in the Bank Results (7/18/21)

July 18, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com
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Kickoff Show

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: The Mysterios (c) vs. The Usos

Dominik and Jimmy kick off the match. Dominik lands a few dropkicks. Dominik walks the ropes and takes Jimmy over with an armdrag. Dominik follows that with another hip toss. Mysterio and Dominik double team Jimmy. Jey tags in and sends Mysterio flying out of the ring. Jimmy and Jey take turns working over Mysterio. Mysterio manages to tag Dominik. Dominik lands a crossbody. Neckbreaker by Dominik. Jimmy kicks out. Dominik lands a double jump springboard moonsault. Jimmy kicks out again. Dominik sends both Usos out of the ring. Dominik tries a dive but Jimmy and Jey catch him out on the floor.

Jimmy and Jey swing Dominik into the barricade. Jimmy and Jey work over Dominik. Dominik manages to tag in Mysterio, who clears the ring. Mysterio tries a sunset flip on Jey but Jimmy superkicks Mysterio. Jimmy lands a popup Samoan drop. Mysterio kicks out. Mysterio sets up Jey for the 619. Jimmy jumps in the way and takes the 619 to save his brother. Jey hits a superkick followed by the Uso Splash. Mysterio kicks out! After a referee distraction, Jimmy rolls up Mysterio. Behind the referee’s back, Jey puts his feet on Jimmy’s back for extra leverage. Jimmy gets the three count!

Winners and NEW SmackDown Tag Team Champions, The Usos!

WWE Money in the Bank Results Continues On The Next Page!


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