WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (5/17/21)

In-Ring Segment: Sheamus

Sheamus grabs a mic and says if Ricochet doesn’t bring back his property he will end up a  stain on Sheamus’ boot. Backstage, Ricochet says he’s going to shut Sheamus up forever. Ricochet puts on Shemaus’ hat and coat. Ricochet does a pretty funny impression of Sheamus.

Sheamus vs. Ricochet

Ricochet walks out on the stage and dabs. Sheamus, clearly enraged by Ricochet’s dated pop culture reference, charges the stage. Ricochet drop toe holds Sheamus on the ramp. Ricochet runs to the ring. Ricochet dropkicks Sheamus. Sheamus pounds Ricochet into the mat. Bodyslam by Sheamus. Sheamus continues his assault. Sheamus knocks Ricochet over the barricade. After the break, Ricochet fires up. Sheamus cuts him off with an Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus goes up top. Ricochet pops up top and takes Sheamus sailing through the air with a Spanish Fly. Sheamus kicks out.

Ricochet tries a springboard moonsault but Sheamus gets his knees up. Ricochet lands a  Russian leg sweep. Ricochet goes up top. Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Ricochet dives out of the ring and lands on Sheamus. Ricochet sends Sheamus back into the ring. Springboard 450 by Ricochet. Sheamus kicks out. Ricochet tries another springboard but Sheamus destroys him with a bicycle knee. Ricochet kicks out. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner- Sheamus

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