Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / Zia Hiltey

PCO Reflects Back On Training With George St. Pierre: ‘I Learned So Much’

PCO is not human and the same goes for George St. Pierre. In a recent interview with Spencer Love of Love Wrestling, the former ROH World Champion spoke about training with the former UFC Middleweight and Welterweight Champion as he went nonstop.

“I think George was one of the most disciplined athletes I’ve seen around me. When I trained with him, it was just training from morning to night, basically,” he said.

“I remember it was during December and it was super cold. A lot of ice and snow and we would go like every day. After that I would do my own thing so he was going to his striking coaches and then he had like his ju jitsu courses. He had like four or five trainings per day. It was nonstop. I trained for him like maybe three months and I learned so much. I learned so much, that guy.”

PCO wasn’t shocked at seeing GSP flourish in UFC who eventually was inducted into the league’s Hall of Fame.

“When I saw him like having all the success that he had, to me it was no fluke, no luck. Like a lot of people sometimes they think someone’s lucky to have great skills or things like that. He worked for everything he had.”

“Sometimes I had the feeling that a lot of guys trained because they had to train, but George I felt like he trained cause he liked to train,” PCO added.

Transcription credit should go to @DominicDeAngelo of WrestleZone

You can check out Spencer’s clip with PCO below: