WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/17/21)

Zoey Stark vs. Valentina Feroz

Stark suplexes Feroz all over the ring. Stark floors Feroz with a short-arm clothesline. Feroz fires up and lands a few strikes. Judo throw by Feroz. Stark kicks out. Stark crushes Feroz with a series of knee lifts. Feroz misses a splash in the corner. Stark superkicks Feroz. Half nelson suplex by Stark Stark destroys Feroz with a running knee strike. Stark flips Feroz into a knee lift to the face for the win.

Winner- Zoey Stark

Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch vs. Finn Bálor, Kyle O’Reilly, and Roderick Strong

Bálor works over Lorcan then Burch. Strong tags in and works Burch’s arm. Burch forces Strong into his corner and Dunne tags in. Strong floors Dunne with a dropkick. Strong tries a half-n-half suplex but Dunne hooks the ropes. Dunne sends Strong out of the ring. Dunne distracts the referee as Burch and Lorcan set up the ring steps. Strong manages to tag in O’Reilly. O’Reilly clears the ring, handing out arm breakers and dragon screws to everyone. Dunne rolls out of the ring.

O’Reilly dives off the apron right into a nasty forearm shiver by Dunne. After the break, Dunne and Co are working over O’Reilly. O’Reilly manages to tag in Bálor, who clears the ring. Bálor drops Dunne with the final cut. Burch breaks up the pin. Strong dives through the ropes and takes out Burch and Lorcan. Bálor avoids the Bitter End. Bálor hits the John Woo dropkick. Burch tries to bring the belt into the ring. The referee tries to stop him. Bálor dropkicks Burch into the referee.

Bálor goes up top. Adam Cole runs down to ringside and pushes Bálor off the top into the referee. Cole boots O’Reilly in the face outside the ring. Cole brainbusters O’Reilly on the ringsteps. Strong tries to help up Bálor but Bálor hits an overhead kick. Bálor didn’t realize it was Strong. Dunne sneaks up on Bálor and hits the Bitter End for the win.

Winners- Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch

After the match, Adam Cole appears again and superkicks Bálor. Cole grabs the NXT Championship and poses with it.



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