WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/17/21)

Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs. Leon Ruff

Ruff lands a few hip tosses. Ruff goes for one too many and Scott puts on the breaks. Ruff hits the mat, hard. Scott chases Ruff. Ruff does his patented rope skip to avoid Scott. Ruff lands another deep hip toss. Scott knees Ruff in the face. Powerbomb into a backbreaker by Scott. Ruff ends up in the corner. Scott destroys Ruff with a dropkick to the face. Scott pump kicks Ruff’s head into the ring apron. Ruff fires up and lands a double stomp to the back of Scott’s head. Scott destroys Ruff with a lariat. Scott tries another powerbomb but Ruff reverses it into the Crucifix Bomb for the win.

Winner- Leon Ruff

After the match, Scott goes to shake Ruff’s hand. When Ruff tries to oblige, Scott decks him. Scott stomps out Ruff. As Scott makes his way to the back, he’s muttering to himself about where his North American title opportunity is.

Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro vs. Jessi Kamea and Aliyah

Carter and Catnzao are in control until Boa appears on the stage. In the confusion, Carter pins Aliyah.

Winners- Kayden Carter and Kacy Catenzaro

Xi Li is now on the stage with Boa. Catanzaro tries to talk sense to Li. Li marks Catenzaro’s hand and tells her next week, she’s going to hurt her.



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