WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (1/4/21)

Backstage, Riddle suggests that Big Show change his name to “The Big Bro” Show says he’ll think about it. Riddle walks away. Orton walks in and taunts Show. Show says Orton isn’t going to goad him into doing something stupid. Orton says Show clearly doesn’t have the guts to do something about it so he’ll be on his way. Show is seething.

Asuka and Charlotte Flair w/Ric Flair vs. Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans

Evans and Royce double team Charlotte. Charlotte manages to tag in Asuka, who clears the ring. Asuka goes up top but Royce pushes her off. Outside of the ring, Evans is flirting with Ric Flair. Charlotte slaps Evans. Evans spears Charlotte. Charlotte and Evans brawl outside the ring. After the break, Evans and Royce are working over Asuka. Asuka manages to tag in Charlotte. Charlotte blasts Evans with a stiff right hand. Charlotte drops a knee on Evans’ leg to soften her up for the Figure-Eight. Charlotte lights Evans up with chop after chop.

Evans tags in Royce before getting suplexed by Charlotte. Charlotte hits a moonsault on Royce and Evans at the same time. Asuka tags in and hits a shining wizard. Charlotte and Asuka hit their finish on Royce. Evans breaks up the pin. Evans crawls on the apron towards Flair. Evans grabs Flair by the tie. Charlotte kicks  Evans off the apron before she can kiss her father. Flair tries to help Charlotte but accidentally trips her as she hits the ropes. Royce rolls up Charlotte for the win.

Winners- Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans

Charlotte rolls out of the ring and gets in her father’s face. Charlotte tells her father to stay out of her business, again. Charlotte tells her father to walk away, Flair does.

Backstage, Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart interrupt Sheamus and Drew McIntyre to say stuff. Hogan is a fan or whatever.

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