WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (12/11/20)

December 11, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Contract Signing

Banks is in the ring with Adam Pearce. When Banks opens the leather-bound contract holder, the contract is missing. Banks blames Pearce and asks if he is in on it and if this is a setup. Carmella appears on the ‘Tron and says she isn’t getting in the ring with Banks if she is going to keep acting like that. Carmella signed the contract and is going to have her sommelier bring the contract to the ring. As the sommelier drops off the contract, Banks stamps it. Banks says she doesn’t want to wait. Banks wants to do this tonight. Carmella agrees. Pearce officially books the match as the main event for tonight. Banks beats up Carmella’s sommelier and turns a table over on him.

Backstage, Montez Ford says he is going to whoop Dolph Ziggler tonight.

Montez Ford w/Angelo Dawkins vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Robert Roode

Ziggler and Ford trade strike. Ziggler floors Ford with a dropkick. Ziggler locks in a side headlock. Ford tries to break it but Ziggler responds with a neck breaker. Ford kicks out. Ford counters Ziggler’s dropkick with a slingshot that sends Ziggler into the corner. Blockbuster by Ford. Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Roode tries to sneak in the ring but Dawkins cuts him off. Roode and Ziggler regroup outside the ring. Ford puts his hand in the air and Solo cups rain from the ceiling into the ring. After the break, Ziggler is working over Ford. Ford fires up and sets up the Cash Out. Roode attacks Dawkins outside the ring to distract Ford. Ziggler superkicks Ford for the win.

Winner- Dolph Ziggler


Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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