Michelle McCool Undertaker
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Michelle McCool On If The Undertaker Will Be Cooking For Thanksgiving

The wrestling world may have said farewell to The Undertaker, but the kitchen during the holidays doesn’t quite say hello to him when it comes to cooking up that Thanksgiving bird.

Last week, Michelle McCool joined Stew Myrick on Sports Guys Talking Wrestling out of Austin, TX and Myrick asked McCool what her Thanksgiving plans were. Plus if we can expect her husband, The Undertaker, to pick up the spatula to dabble in the arts of turkey grilling on this day of great gratitude for the United States.

“He is a Texas boy and I looove when he grills me dinner. He’s good on the grill. We will be in Florida with my parents so I think it will be my dad handling the grill this year, but he’s perfectly capable. I do love his grill master skills, I’ll tell you that.”

Nonetheless, fans and colleagues alike are thankful for the work that The Undertaker has tolled away at for the past 30 years as The Deadman, The American Badass and The Phenom.

McCool has plenty more to say to Stew regarding The Undertaker’s exit from WWE including how she and their daughter had to rag him for the 30 Days Of Undertaker he received on the WWE Network. Listen to the full show below:

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