WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (9/21/20)

Backstage, Retribution is beating down Carrillo and others.

Drew McIntyre vs. Keith Lee

McIntyre tries the Claymore as soon as the bell rings. Lee avoids it. McIntyre tries to send Lee into the ropes but Lee won’t budge. McIntyre works a side headlock. Lee pounces McIntyre out of the ring. McIntyre chops Lee. Lee blasts McIntyre with grizzly magnum. McIntyre suplexes Lee on the announce desk. After the break, McIntyre tries to lift up Lee but he can’t. Lee decks McIntyre with a stiff elbow strike. McIntyre is clutching at his injured jaw. Lee looks as if he doesn’t want to pin McIntyre. Lee gets a near fall.

Lee lifts McIntyre up for a Spirit Bomb. McIntyre reverses it into a ranna. Spinebuster by McIntyre. Lee kicks out. McIntyre sets up the Future Shock DDT. Lee drives McIntyre into the corner. McIntyre charges in but Lee drives him into the canvas with a nasty one-armed spinebuster. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre tries to fire up but Lee lands three shots to McIntyre’s jaw. Lee hits the ropes and levels McIntyre with a lariat. McIntyre escapes the Spirit Bomb again. McIntyre hits the Claymore. Randy Orton appears out of nowhere and hits McIntyre with a chair to cause a disqualification.

No Contest

Orton grinds the chair into McIntyre’s broken jaw. Orton Punts Lee.

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