WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (9/21/20)

Seth Rollins and Murphy vs. Humberto Carrillo and Dominik Mysterio vs. Andrade and Angel Garza (Winner Gets a Tag Title shot at Clash of Champions)

Murphy and Carrillo start the match. Carrillo and Murphy trade armbars and pin attempts. Andrade tags himself in as Carrillo dumps Murphy out of the ring. Andrade and Garza stomp Carrillo in the corner. Carrillo dives off of Murphy and arm dags Andrade. Mysterio and Carrillo hit stereo dives. Mysterio hits a code red on Murphy. Garza breaks up the pin. Murphy launches Garza into Mysterio, sending them both careening off the apron. Murphy destroys Andrade with a rising knee strike. Murphy tries to tag in Rollins but Rollins grabs his jacket and walks away. Andrade obliterates Murphy with a spinning back elbow. Garza hits the Wing Clipper for the win.

Winners- Andrade and Angel Garza

Backstage, the leader of Retribution says the Hurt Business could have been part of the solution but they chose to take WWE money and are part of the problem. Tonight, The Hurt Business will be paid in Retribution.


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