WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Super Tuesday II Results (9/8/20)

Velveteen Dream vs. Adonis

Dream mocks Adonis. Adonis tells Dream that he is better than Dream. Adonis lands an impressive DDT. Adonis almost accidentally superkicks the referee. As the referee is distracted, Dream pokes Adonis in the eye. Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver for the win.

Winner- Velveteen Dream

After the match, Kushida attacks Dream. Kushida slams’s Dream’s shoulder into the ring post over and over again. Referees try to pull Kushida away. Kushida puts Dream in a rope-assisted armbar.

During a video package, Breezango gloats over winning the tag titles. Aichner and Barthel say Breezango will have the shortest tag team title reign in NXT history.

Back at the Gargano house, Johnny notes that their dinner is super awkward. Johnny thinks it’s him, so he’s going to finish his dinner upstairs. Tegan and Candice argue about the “Gargano Way”. Tegan thinks Johnny has corrupted her. Candice says she has never steered Tegan the wrong way. If Tegan trusts her she should be willing to give this a try.

Bronson Reed vs. Austin Theory 

Theory runs into Reed. Reed doesn’t budge. Theory flexes at Reed. Reed locks Theory in a stiff headlock. Theory tries to send Reed into the ropes but Reed holds on. Theory manages to send Reed into the ropes. Reed runs over Theory. Reed crushes Theory wit a springboard elbow drop for a near fall. Suicide dive by Reed. After the break, Reed splashes Theory in the corner. Theory kicks out of Reed’s DVD. Theory tries a belly-to-back Reed but his back gives out. Theory hits a rolling blockbuster for a near fall. Theory tries to set up the ATL but his back gives out again. Reed hits a senton to Theory’s back. Reed hits his top rope splash for the win.

Winner- Bronson Reed


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