IMPACT Wrestling Emergence Night Two Results (8/25/20)

Brian Myers vs. Willie Mack

Mack floors Myers with a shoulder tackle. Arm drag by Mack. Myers snapmares MAck and lands a spinal tap. Mack surprises Myers with a ranna. Myers gets to his feet and immediately eats a dropkick. Myers gets in Mack’s face. Myers tackles Mack. Mack and Myers end up tied in the ropes. Myers snaps the rope on Mack’s neck. Myers works over Mack. Mack fires up and eventually lands a running leg drop. Samoan drop by Mack. Mack follows that with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Myers pushes Mack off the top rope. Myers drops an elbow for a near fall. Myers rolls up Mack with a hand full of tights for the win. 

Winner- Brian Myers

Wrestle House 

Cousin Jake tells Cody that Larry D in a sports coat isn’t Larry D anymore. He’s Lawerence D now… Rosemary appears for her date with Lawrence D. Alisha tells Rosemary that what she is doing to Lawrence is wrong. Dreamer tells John E. Bravo that Lawrence is going to steal his girl. As Rosemary is trying to let Lawrence down gently, Bravo runs in and tells Lawrence to get his hands off of Rosemary. Bravo slaps Lawrence. Dreamer yells for a match. 

Larry D vs. John E. Bravo

Larry knocks Bravo out with a stiff right hand. 

Winner- Larry D

After the match, Bravo tells Rosemary that he should have just been honest with Valkyrie. Valkyrie storms in and Bravo breaks the news to her. Valkyrie tells Rosemary that this is all her fault. Valkyrie challenges Rosemary to a winner takes all match. 




IMPACT Wrestling Emergence Night One Results Continue On The Next Page!