IMPACT Wrestling Emergence Night One Results (8/18/20)

Wrestle House

Taya Valkyrie vs. Kylie Rae

Rosemary is the special guest referee. Valkyrie pushes Rae and mocks her. Rae pushes Valkyrie into the corner and mocks her. Rae takes Valkyrie over with a spinning head-scissors. Rae tries a superkick but Valkyrie avoids it. Rae sets up a splash in the corner. Rosemary trips Rae. Valkyries over Rae, using every dirty tactic she can think of. Rosemary picks her nails in the corner. Rosemary is not interested in admonishing Valkyrieat all. Rae surprises Valkyriethe Kylie special. Valkyrie kicks out. Rosemary DDTs Rae. Rae kicks out. Valkyrie screams at Rosemary “What’s going on!” to which Rosemary replies, “I don’t know!”. Rae Superkicks Valkyrie. Rosemary begrudgingly counts the fall. 

Winner- Kylie Rae

After the match, Rosemary tells Larry D that she will see him next week. 

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match: The Motor City Machine Guns (c ) vs. The North

Alexander and Sabin start the match. Alexander sends Sabin into the corner. Sabin tries a dive off the top but is caught and quickly slammed by Alexander. Page catches Shelley with a spinning sidewalk slam. Alexander and PAge try to double team Sabin but Sabin manages to escape and tag in Shelley. Shelley basement dropkicks Page off the apron. Sabin and Shelley double team Page with an enziguri into a DDT. The MCMG work over Alexaders’s leg. After the break, Shelley continues his assault on Alexander’s knee. Alexander manages to tag in Page. Page knees Shelley in the back over and over again.

Page and Alexander take turns working over Shelley. Shelley manages to tag in Sabin. Sabin clears the ring. Shelley holds the ropes open as Sabin dives through, taking out Alexander. Sabin assists Shelley as he hits the Sliced Bread #2 on both Alexander and Page. Everyone trade strikes. Page and Alexander hit the double Styles Clash. Sabin kicks out. The North set up their finish. Sabin reverses into a roll up. Alexander pushes the pile, putting Page on top. Sabin kicks out. The MCMG hit their combo neckbreaker/splash for the win. 

Winners and STILL IMPACT Tag Team Champions, the Moto City Machine Guns!



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