WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (7/3/20)

July 3, 2020

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Matt Riddle

Michael Cole asks Riddle if he can put into words what it was like beating AJ Styles last week. Riddle says he can’t but it’s been amazing. Riddle says he respects Styles but he is sure he likes Styles more than Styles likes him. Riddle says partying with New Day and Daniel Bryan last week after beating Styles was amazing bro. Cole asks Riddle why he wrestles in his bare feet. Riddle tells the story about almost losing his feet to frostbite. Cole asks Riddle what’s next for him. Before Riddle can answer, King Corbin interrupts. Corbin makes fun of Riddle for being an idiot who almost lost his feet. Corbin tells Cole he is an embarrassment for even speaking to Riddle. Corbin tells Cole to get out of his ring. Corbin is going to make Riddle pay every minute he steps in the ring. Corbin says someone needs to shut Riddle up. Riddle says let’s go. Corbin says Riddle isn’t worthy enough to face him. Corbin tells Riddle he is going to face John Morrison. Morrison and Miz walk out on the stage.

Matt Riddle vs. John Morrison w/The Miz and King Corbin

Riddle kicks his flipflops at Corbin outside the ring. Riddle slams Morrison. Riddle and Morrisontrade submission attempts. Riddle almost locks in a kneebar, but Morrison gets to the ropes. Morrison slaps the heck out of Riddle. Riddle hits a few gut wrench suplexes. Morrison counters into a senton. Riddle pits Morrison in an ankle lock. Riddle attempts a German suplex but Morrison lands on his feet. Disaster Kick by Morrison. Riddle kicks out. Corkscrew crossbody by Morrison. Riddle kicks out. Running knee strike by Morrison. Riddle kicks out again. Morrison is visibly frustrated. Morrison kicks Riddle in the chest. Riddle begs for more. Morrison pokes Riddle in the eye. Riddle surprises Morrison with a fisherman’s buster. Both men are down in the center of the ring.

Riddle rolls out of the ring and hits Corbin with one of his flipflops again. After the break, Riddle hits a broton followed by the bro-to-sleep. Morrison kicks out. Riddle tries the floating bro but Morrison gets his knees up. Morrison drops Riddle with a crucifix uranage for a near fall. Riddle slaps on a rear-naked choke. Morrison gets to the ropes. Morrison and Riddle fight on the top rope. Morrison hits a Spanish fly off the top rope. Morrison follows that with a standing Spanish fly for a near fall. Morrison and Riddle trade strikes. Overhead kicks by Riddle. hits a ripcord knee. Morrison counters Riddle’s powerbomb attempt with a front dropkick. Riddle responds with a powerbomb into the flash knee. Morrison kicks out. Miz and Corbin try to get involved. Riddle puts Morrison in a modified prawn clutch for the win!

Winner- Matt Riddle

As Riddle saunters up the ramp AJ Styles attacks him from behind. Drew Gulak makes the save.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!