Drew McIntyre
Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images

Lana Distracts Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre Retains WWE Title At WWE Backlash

At WWE Backlash, Drew McIntyre defended the WWE Championship against Bobby Lashley, who was accompanied to the ring by MVP. Before the match, Lashley attacked McIntyre from behind and locked in the Full Nelson. He took the champion to the mat with the hold still in place. Several referees had to force Lashley to break the hold. McIntyre was clearly in pain, but he opted to compete anyway. Lashley took control of the match and suplexed McIntyre. A clotheslined allowed Lashley to maintain control.


The challenger grounded McIntyre and dropped him with a neckbreaker. Lashley continued to dominate, but McIntyre rallied and drove Lashley into the barricade. MVP distracted McIntyre, and Lashley capitalized by slamming the champion into the ring post. McIntyre slammed Lashley into the barricade and suplexed him onto the floor. The champion chopped Lashley and dropped him with a clothesline. McIntyre floored Lashley with a spinebuster for a two count. Lashley dropped McIntyre with a spinebuster of his own, but it only earned him a one count. A flatliner only put McIntyre down for another one count.


McIntyre resisted the Full Nelson and slammed Lashley face-first. Lashley locked in a crossface and transitioned it into an ankle lock. McIntyre escaped it and countered a Spear into an armbar. Lashley reached the ropes, but a superplex floored both men. Lashley countered a Claymore into a Spear for a near fall. Lana came to the ring and stood on the apron. McIntyre hit a distracted Lashley with a Glasgow Kiss, which knocked Lashley into his wife. McIntyre pinned Lashley with a Claymore. Lashley walked away from Lana after the match.

RELATED: WWE Backlash Results (6/14/20)