WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (3/27/20)

Backstage, Triple H predicts that Reigns will beat Goldberg.

Backstage, Big E. calls The Usos his sons. Kingston and Big E. say they are going to WrestleMania and they will be the new tag team champions.

Backstage, Ziggler is talking to Sonya Deville about Otis. Mandy Rose walks in and chastised Ziggler for doing what he did to Otis. Rose says she refuses to let them fight over her like an object. Ziggler apologizes.

Firefly Funhouse

Wyatt says he is super duper excited to see us. His lantern starts to talk to him but Wyatt tells it to shut up. Wyatt says the lantern had it’s chance to beat Cena and he failed. Now its “his” turn. Wyatt mixes up a drink that is supposedly the secret to beating Cena. Ramblin Rabbit tries to give Wyatt some carrots to add but Wyatt puts Ramblin in the blender and turns it on. “He” challenges Cena to a Firefly Funhouse match at WrestleMania.

Miz and Morrison are out to do commentary for the next match.

Number One Contender’s Match: The Usos vs. The New Day

Jey and Kingston trade strike and pin attempts. Jimmy tags in as Big E. does the same. Big E. tosses Jimmy across the ring. Jimmy lands a nasty uppercut. Big E. responds with an elbow strike. Big E. assist Kingston with a leapfrog leg drop. Jimmy and Jey stun Kingston on the top rope. Kingston kicks out. The Usos take turns working over Kingston. Kingston manages to tag in Big E.. Big E. suplexes Jey all over the ring. Big E. drags Jey out to the apron. Big E. flattens Jey with a splash. After the break, Jey lands a running hip attack in the corner to Big E. Jimmy tags in and tries to do the same, but Big E. counters with a uranage. Kingston tags in and springboard clotheslines Jimmy. Boom drop by Kingston.

Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Kingston walks the ropes and hits a ranna. Kingston misses the cave in. Jimmy puts Kingston in a single leg crab. Kingston escapes. Jimmy launches a clothesline but Kingston reverses it into the SOS for a near fall. Big E. and Kingston set up their finish but Jimmy ducks. Jey superkicks Big E. for a near fall. Kingston crushes Jey with a falling star splash to the outside. Miz and Morrison stand on the announce desk and clap. Kingston trips Morrison on the desk. Big E. spears Jimmy off the apron. Miz and Morrison attack everyone to cause a disqualification.

Winner- No Contest

Michael Cole stands up and grabs a mic to tell Miz and Morrison that he just received word that they will have to face both teams at WrestleMania. The Usos double superkick Morrison as New Day takes out Miz.


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