Killian Dain vs. Tehuti Miles
Dain forces Miles into the corner. Miles uses his speed to dance around Dain. Miles lands a shoulder block in the corner. Miles tries to leap over Dain but Dain catches him in midair. Miles escapes but gets booted off the apron by Dain. Dain sends Miles into the ringsteps. Miles tries to fight back but ends up eating a stiff knee to the face. Dain chokes Miles in the corner. Suplex by Dain. Dain misses a spear in the corner. Miles lands a few kicks before being slammed to the mat with Wasteland. Running senton by Dain. Dain hits a Vader Bomb for the win.
Winner- Killian Dain
Cameron Grimes vs. Tony Nese
Nese forces Grimes into the corner. Nese flexes in Grimes’ face. Nese takes Grimes over with an arm drag into an armbar. Grimes snaps Nese’ neck on the top rope to take control. Nese fires up and nails Grimes with a running elbow in the corner. Double jump springboard moonsault by Nese. Grimes kicks out. Nese tries Running Nese but Grimes counters with a Superman elbow. Grimes hits the Cave In for the win.
Winner- Cameron Grimes