Aleister Black vs. Erik Rowan
Black knees Rowan in the head as soon as the bell ring. Rowan falls to the outside. Black lands another knee strike. Rowan avoids Black’s moonsault. Rowan blasts Black with a running crossbody. Rowan sends Black back into the ring. Rowan splashes Black in the corner. Rowan follows that with a dropkick. Black fires up and lands a few strikes. Rowan slams Black for a near fall. Rowan slams Black into the barricade twice. Rowan tries to powerbomb Black into the ring post. Black reverses it into a ranna. Black lands a moonsault to the outside. Black floors Rowan with a running knee. Black tries Black Mass but Rowan avoids it. Rowan boots Black in the face. Powerbomb by Rowan. Black kicks out. Black escapes the Iron Claw and hits Black Mass. Rowan falls into the ropes. Rowan stumbles to his feet. Rowan drops to his knee. Black hits another Black Mass for the win.
Winner- Aleister Black
In-Ring Segment: Charlotte Flair
Flair shows footage of he attack on Rhea Ripley last night. Flair wanted to know who was filling Ripley’s head with the thought that she could challenge the Queen. Flair went to Portland last night and started feeling nostalgic. Flair says the entitlement of women like Ripley who didn’t fight to make NXT what it is today. Ripley has the nerve to show up on Flair’s show with the title that Flair put on the map? Flair notes that Ripley is good but pride comes before the fall. Flair is going to humble Ripley at WrestleMania. Everyone is the next big thing until they aren’t.