Earlier today, Robert Stone says he is pulling Chelsea Green from the battle royal tonight. Those women don’t deserve to be in the ring with Green.
Winner Advances To The Worlds Collide Cruiserweight Championship Match: Tyler Breeze vs. Lio Rush vs. Isiah “Swerve” Scott
Breeze kicks Rush in the gut. Breeze drops Scott with an enziguri. Scott blast Rush with a basement dropkick. Scott unloads on Breeze with kick after kick. Rush avoids Breeze, then hits a dropkick. Scott tried to knock Rush off the apron but Rush avoids it with a backflip. Scott’s momentum takes him over the top but Scott lands on his feet. Scott and Rush go nose-to-nose. Rush takes Scott over with a ranna. Breeze kicks Rush in the head. After the break, Rush tries to suplex Scott out to the floor from the apron.
Breeze grabs Scott and hits a German suplex that launches Rush back into the ring as well. Rush blasts Breeze with a suicide dive. Scott takes out Rush with a Fosbury flop. Scott hits the ropes and runs right into a standing Spanish fly by Rush. Scott kicks out. Scott tosses Rush into a supermodel kick by Breeze. Breeze head trap superkicks Scott for a near fall. Poison ranna by Rush to Scott. Rush lands another dive on Breeze. Rush lands the Final Hour on Scott. Breeze breaks up the pin. Everyone trades strikes. Rush lands the Final Hour on Breeze. Scott breaks up the pin. Rush hits Scott with the come up. Breeze spinning heel kicks Rush. Scott hits the JML Driver on Breeze for the win.
Winner- Isiah “Swerve” Scott
Backstage, Rhea Ripley says she is going to go through Toni Storm at Worlds Collide AND whoever wins the battle royal tonight. This is Ripley’s division now.
Backstage, Gargano asks Ciampa if he wants to team up against Mustage Mountain at Worlds Collide. Ciampa agrees. The UE burst in but security holds them back. Keith Lee appears out of nowhere and pounces a member of security into the shrubbery. Lee tosses around a few more security guards around while screaming for Roderick Strong.